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  • Jan 2, 2020
    2 replies

    you like them because you're not educated. it's that simple.

    Sheesh. Aii then nigga educate me on why taxing %2 of every dollar you make after 50Ms isn’t gonna destroy the chances of black people finally being billionaires?

  • Jan 2, 2020

    both sides are garbage. we just picking between two evils bro

    This is true. I hope politics is way different when we in our 30s/40s

  • jewop

    both sides are garbage. we just picking between two evils bro

    Wow so woke so edgy 😂 bro you’re a cliche fr

  • Ok now I’m out that was fun

  • Jan 2, 2020

    ktt yo life and it shows

  • Jan 2, 2020

    @sluttymary really hilarious as f*** LMAO

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Jan 2, 2020

    yall got no hobbys or somethin

  • Jan 2, 2020
    2 replies

    both sides are garbage. we just picking between two evils bro

  • Jan 2, 2020

    bruh ur white.

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Eww noname is so cringe and also very overrated

  • blase 🦋
    Jan 2, 2020

    it's irritating because they live in a bubble and don't understand the black plight and the hidden injustices that come with being black or minority like the guy a couple page back who said black hair is 100% accepted in society despite us having to create hair discrimination laws this year & places like the military flat out banning black hair styles. Sometimes it's pointless trying to explain these things to these ppl because they are ignorant trying to speak facts when what they are saying is a blatant lie

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Sheesh. Aii then nigga educate me on why taxing %2 of every dollar you make after 50Ms isn’t gonna destroy the chances of black people finally being billionaires?

    "destroy the chances of black people being billionaires"

    keep on selling dreams lol

  • Jan 2, 2020

    I like it when Ignance @s a mod

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply
    monza sp1 x

    "destroy the chances of black people being billionaires"

    keep on selling dreams lol

    This is my point though. This wealth tax would stop the growth. Black owned businesses are being created every day. We don’t need Kanye West (someone who’s literally trying to free Black men and give them jobs) to have to pay even more taxes. But then again you probably think everybody gotta pay more taxes in general and personally I don’t think that’s the way to destroy corporate greed or income inequality.

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Sheesh. Aii then nigga educate me on why taxing %2 of every dollar you make after 50Ms isn’t gonna destroy the chances of black people finally being billionaires?

    do you sincerely think that's what the problem is?

  • Jan 2, 2020

    This is my point though. This wealth tax would stop the growth. Black owned businesses are being created every day. We don’t need Kanye West (someone who’s literally trying to free Black men and give them jobs) to have to pay even more taxes. But then again you probably think everybody gotta pay more taxes in general and personally I don’t think that’s the way to destroy corporate greed or income inequality.

    bro we don't give a f*** about becoming billionaires. we need a more equitable tax to reverse this wealth inequality that's been affecting black people the most for centuries

    only people i see acknowledging this problem are on the democrat/socialist side

    please tell me how giving out more "jObS" that pay less than cost of living is gonna help create wealth

  • “Dingus”

  • Jan 2, 2020
    2 replies

    F*** anime but that avi hard

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    F*** anime but that avi hard

    what has anime done to you niggas?

  • Jan 2, 2020

    what has anime done to you niggas?

    niggas with anime avis are usually WOAT but u got a classic one so u good

  • Jan 2, 2020

    F*** anime but that avi hard

    you’re saying f*** an entire medium of art + storytelling

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Why was #ItsOkayToBeWhite trending on Twitter?

    Because it's easy to make a s***storm by just saying "It's okay to be white". People feel the need to use their energy on being angry on something that's supports any type of positive message about being white skin colored, and they using that anger towards white people on tweets, which multiplies to more tweets, and suddenly it's viral and that makes it trending in top 20, so more people who gets triggered responds to it. And it got further up when the K-pop worshipers saw it in the trending, and they do the very best to promote random ass k-pop singers by tweeting the same words with random ass gifs of them random ass k-pop singers. And then it gets to top 5, and everyone sees it and the hell fire strikes. #ItsOkayToBeWhite👀 and poof u mad. This is how Twitter works.

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 2, 2020

    I'm gonna go ahead and assume that I should nooooot read this thread

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 2, 2020

    cry me a river, y'all act like the black community all are saints

    yes there are racists in the police force, there are racists everywhere unfortunately

    you're arrested 5x the rate? why is that? my mother had a cafe, in 20 years it was assaulted 8 times, you know how many times it was assaulted by white people ? 0 ... how many times it was assaulted by black people ? 8

    my two best friends are black, I do music videos for black kids all the time and I lived in the hood, but stop making excuses, there are a lot of black kids that keep f***ing up and making your community look like s***

    i regret reading this thread now

  • Nah, it was made by some trolls to see the reaction. It is not the first time its trending. They did the same exact thing before and same reactions, and done it with other "controversial" hashtags as well

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