why did black people vote for joe biden?
i've heard that it's due to his lasting relationships with key people in the south - not sure how much validity this statement has. what do you think?
Do you really think that the reason black people voted for Biden is because they like his policy over Bernie's? lol
Besides the younger generation, tons of southern black people are very moderate if not conservative.
So you're basically saying black people would've voted for him if he was already a well known name.
Which is the issue to begin with.
People voted on name recognition, just like what was to be expected. That says more about individuals' lack of research than anything.
No he’s a well known name, at least as well known as Bloomberg who would’ve got more of the old black vote. It’s because he didn’t do enough to cater to the already existing black democratic establishment like Tom Steyer did. Of course I don’t really support said establishment, but what we think is irrelevant because they’re the ones who control who the black community votes for
Do you really think that the reason black people voted for Biden is because they like his policy over Bernie's? lol
It’s a multi layered thing. The overwhelming reason biden won was because he was Obama’s VP. If we take him out if the equation and put it between the moderate Bloomberg and the progressive Bernie, then Bernie would have won with young black people and bloomberg would have won with younger black people. The problem is, most young black people wouldn’t vote at all, which would lead to Bloomberg winning. If Bernie was Obama’s VP, actually worked with the black establishment, he would have won. I’m not saying black voters particularly like Biden’s positions, I’m saying they don’t care for Bernie’s as much as you would think