idk NORE saying “there was jewish people in the room” is kind of like the “i have a black friend” argument
idk NORE saying “there was jewish people in the room” is kind of like the “i have a black friend” argument
He do be having Jewish friends
his children are going to go through hell in school with the stares
He probably subconsciously knows he’s losing custody of those kids so he’s just saying f*** it, lost my mom, my friend, my family, my kids so I’m just going scorched earth into (eventual) isolation.
god damn
idk NORE saying “there was jewish people in the room” is kind of like the “i have a black friend” argument
Not to mention Kanye's repeated 'Where is that Jewish guy we applauded for me being signed to him?' when he left the room, not joking it was a little disturbing to see Kanye go all 'Where is the Jew?' mode, he was looking around the room like crazy, no one really knew what to do with what he said there so it went all quiet, uncomfortable stuff man
idk NORE saying “there was jewish people in the room” is kind of like the “i have a black friend” argument
The crazy thing bout all this “jews own money” talk in hip hop community is that…a lot of these niggas are new yorkers
Have these niggas ever walked through Lorimer St?
There’s a reason ghetto was originated as a jewish term, those neighborhoods look ROUGH my nigga.
wow man this is actually f***ing nuts
Never thought to say it before but I've always thought your avi was Quagmire, like squint and you'll see it
Never thought to say it before but I've always thought your avi was Quagmire, like squint and you'll see it
had to google cause i dont even know who that is
had to google cause i dont even know who that is
Knowing Astro Boy but not Quagmire is a wild level of cultural osmosis, I legit respect that
Never thought to say it before but I've always thought your avi was Quagmire, like squint and you'll see it
What the hell you’re right
idk NORE saying “there was jewish people in the room” is kind of like the “i have a black friend” argument
Ah come on NORE
Knowing Astro Boy but not Quagmire is a wild level of cultural osmosis, I legit respect that
Astro Boy iconic man he been a worldwide household name since the mid 60s. At one point he was on the same level as Mickey Mouse in regards to recognizability.
Never thought to say it before but I've always thought your avi was Quagmire, like squint and you'll see it
Astro Boy disrespect???
He even on Hot 97 now lmao
! reveals it all