he promoted hate towards vulnerable groups of people. he profited off of it. he made himself a z list celebrity off of hate.
f*** out of here you hoe
abdul hates you 4chan hoes twerking for alt right trash
You’re wrong and proud. Rock on.
God tranquilizers is such a classy way of saying benzos have to start using that
But where in the article did it say he needs a cup for his drool
I'm sure he's aware of how he's not well-versed in leftist theory, but I think he just doesn't see any value in leftist literature and only values critiques of leftist ideology from a right-wing perspective.
And characterizing Jordan Peterson’s intentions as “promoting hate” isn’t? I don’t have to be genuine with vile and hateful people.
God tranquilizers is such a classy way of saying benzos have to start using that
But where in the article did it say he needs a cup for his drool
Clickbait title I thought jordan went full veggie
i see the plebs have arrived
he can make life hell for certain groups of people but we all need to get on a knees and pray when he f***s himself with his own stupidity
man was promoting a meme meat only diet to tackle depression. this sent him into depression and now he is a vegetable
Abdul, who did he make life hell for?
God tranquilizers is such a classy way of saying benzos have to start using that
But where in the article did it say he needs a cup for his drool
he’s s*** posting lmfao he’s home from the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery
Come ooooooon
raising animals to be killed , just for pleasure is not natural!!!!!!!!!!
Im dying on this hill
Non vegetarians r d nazis of d 21st century
And characterizing Jordan Peterson’s intentions as “promoting hate” isn’t? I don’t have to be genuine with vile and hateful people.
I mean that's what he did and he was dismissive of everybody pointing that out, so his intentions are pretty much irrelevant tbh
I mean that's what he did and he was dismissive of everybody pointing that out, so his intentions are pretty much irrelevant tbh
I’m not saying the guy wasn’t wrong ever or he didn’t say anything problematic but if you actually watched the guy you’d know he meant well and had nuanced opinions that were misunderstood.
And intentions do matter.
I guarantee most people in here are regurgitating snippets of stuff and have never given the guy a fair shake. Same thing with Rush.
I don't understand how you can hate someone so much, it's just not healthy. I understand not being sad over bad things happening to someone for sure, but actively celebrating it? It's just not right man. Hate the ideas, don't hate the individual, it's unhealthy and obsessive.
Jordan Peterson has made a living peddling a literal Nazi conspiracy theory about "Cultural Marxism"
These idiots believe that Marxists were responsible for hippies and the invention of Rock & Roll
Wait, niggas really defending Peterson on here? Take your asses to 4chan then and leave here bro you weirdos
I'm not gonna laigh at a mans mental illness and brain damage, even when I disagree with him. Only time I would is if they're a full on Nazi/white supremi
you mean if media proclaims that they are muh natzee
abdul hates you dirty hoes calling trans rights some 'sjw bullshite'
f*** you and f*** "trans rights" whatever that bs is
celebrating someone possibly having brain damage because he hurt your feelings
he's a stupid leftie sjw piece of s***, cant expect anything better from those evil people anyway
JP is a low ass level grunt in the alt right guild shoulda been some one way more evil.