  • EliminationofKanye

    He's genuinely an amazing artist but also a creep who I would not want to be around

    You could literally ask to FaceTime him if you want to drop that pre concieved notion

  • Jan 27

    There were niggas who were meming about Lil B but I actually liked a lot of Lil B’s music a lot, I was a big fan for a while.

    He got some s*** I still play

  • B got classics on classics; thread's a JOKE and a SHAM and I will not stand for this type of SLANDEROUS behaviour!

  • amory

    u niggas will never understand music bc the best of the best is those who are authentic

    no joke there's lil b songs that have moved me more than most other rappers songs just off the authenticity of what hes saying u either feel it or u dont, if writing some s*** that doesnt resonate with u and is goofy to u as autistic makes u feel like a "smarterr" more "serious" music listener than go ahead and believe that more power to u but ur just as ed

    Every nigga got a few lil b songs that just hit. Even if you weren’t the hugest fan. If you were tapped in at the time you knew there was something special about dude. It’s not even on some meme s***

    Jan 27
    st edumist

    no one was unironically listening to that slop besides a couple of resident braindead posters

    you listen to death grips my guy

    Jan 27

    off beat rapping and weird lyrics shouldn't bother you

  • Jan 27

    thread cooking op rightfully maybe this sites not too far gone

  • i’m gay was a great album

  • CARMEN 💜
    Jan 27

    Killing him itt

  • Jan 27
    2 replies

    He would have been big if he made more albums like “I’m Gay”

  • it wasnt a meme if u were there we were really listening to that s***

  • meme i think u mean legend

  • NBA GameBoy

    Wtf was that about? Do you think he’s in on the joke or were we all trolling an autistic guy? Were you guys really listening to him like that? Seems like a genuinely nice guy and all but what was all that s*** with the feet?

    Lil B - Ima Catch a murder

  • UncleM

    Early entry for worst thread of the year

  • Jan 27

    im gay, gods father, 6 kiss, etc. are all still great

  • saw him live once

  • no black person is ugly

  • Jan 27
    1 reply

    Now that the Lil B meme is over, the Sahbabii meme has taken its place

  • I highkey hate how racists and misogynists online appropriated the word "based."

  • Jan 27
    2 replies

    He would have been big if he made more albums like “I’m Gay”

    I felt like titling it like that (on some meme ironic non sincere s***, would be different if he was actually gay lol) actually f***ed up his momentum and cemented him as a joke

  • Jan 27
    1 reply
    Bernie X

    Now that the Lil B meme is over, the Sahbabii meme has taken its place

    Do you think the year is 2019

  • UncleM

    Early entry for worst thread of the year

    You can stop the meme now it’s not 2012 anymore

  • The whole point was the irony but he was consistent and kinda curated early hip hop internet culture

  • NBA GameBoy

    Wtf was that about? Do you think he’s in on the joke or were we all trolling an autistic guy? Were you guys really listening to him like that? Seems like a genuinely nice guy and all but what was all that s*** with the feet?

    • Lil B could actually rap when he wanted to and has made a lot of great tracks

    • yes he was in on the joke and he basically paved the way for all these meme rappers

    • the feet stuff is not that deep, he might have overdone it partly as a persona, but I also genuinely believe the mf just is very open about his fetish I guess

    Actual hiphop icon whether people like him or not

  • Lil Bs beat selection was legendary
