  • Sep 29, 2021
    Marcus is Dust

    In and intrigued

    Never heard a Wiki project before

    Damn son, you need to get on that asap 👀 Tbh there's an argument to be made at this had a raw and cutting edge energy that later Wiki releases didn't always have, but his entire catalog is at the least solid

    Oofie is pretty great too

  • Sep 29, 2021

    remember when wikispeaks vid came out

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Who else you including in that generation?

    Well I'm thinking of SOTC, Slauson, MIKE, Navy, L'Rain (there's also more and more Black drum and bass or other electronica artists on the come-up rn)

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    So It Goes one of my favorite albums ever

    The way * opens that s***

    also Canal always gets me so fkn hyped lowkey pre-dates the way DG sampled Björk on NOTM

    Also according to someone on rym the Asterisk is a reference to Vonnegut's drawing of an a****** which they projected behind them at shows (just like the album title is obviously a reference)

  • Sep 29, 2021

    also Canal always gets me so fkn hyped lowkey pre-dates the way DG sampled Björk on NOTM

    Also according to someone on rym the Asterisk is a reference to Vonnegut's drawing of an a****** which they projected behind them at shows (just like the album title is obviously a reference)

    Gotta get my Vonnegut knowledge up, what of his work does So It Goes reference

    Also that feels good to know in regards to the sample and DG because there were a bunch of lazy DG comparisons when Ratking was just starting to bubble

  • Sep 29, 2021

    p4k readers know

  • Sep 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Well I'm thinking of SOTC, Slauson, MIKE, Navy, L'Rain (there's also more and more Black drum and bass or other electronica artists on the come-up rn)

    Any of those drum and bass/electronic artists you can recommend?

    I can see the connection with them but all the other artists you mentioned (besides L'Rain can't speak on them because I'm not familiar with their work at all so if you could put me on that would be good too) don't feel like they have any sonic connection to Ratking to the point that I don't feel like their roots can be traced back to them but I'd love to hear more on why you think that

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Any of those drum and bass/electronic artists you can recommend?

    I can see the connection with them but all the other artists you mentioned (besides L'Rain can't speak on them because I'm not familiar with their work at all so if you could put me on that would be good too) don't feel like they have any sonic connection to Ratking to the point that I don't feel like their roots can be traced back to them but I'd love to hear more on why you think that

    Sporting Life has been pretty involved with the whole slums scene, got multiple collabs with MIKE and others, featured them in mixes, also co-hosted an episode of Stay Inside with Earl...

    Plus now Wiki has worked with Slauson and of course now got an entire project with Navy which also features MIKE and many others

    Btw I made a thread about L'Rain I think her and Dreamcrusher are more of a reach but also connected with these people and very avant-garde in other genres

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    Sporting Life has been pretty involved with the whole slums scene, got multiple collabs with MIKE and others, featured them in mixes, also co-hosted an episode of Stay Inside with Earl...

    Plus now Wiki has worked with Slauson and of course now got an entire project with Navy which also features MIKE and many others

    Btw I made a thread about L'Rain I think her and Dreamcrusher are more of a reach but also connected with these people and very avant-garde in other genres

    That is very much a direct connection

    And of course, all the Wiki connections/work with those artists, I have kept up with him so it was wrong of me not to even bring those up

    It's still hard for me to subscribe to the thinking that there Ratking was start of all of that because of how different their sound was but this helps it make more sense to me

    Always wondered what Hak was up to (I know he released at least one solo that was pretty cool) but didn't keep up with Sporting Life much

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    @beflygelt also dreamcrusher

    Saw him/them(? it's been a while so I forgot if it's just one dude or a band, pretty sure it's one person) in 2018 and it was crazy

    I'm running to the L'Rain thread off that mention alone

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    That is very much a direct connection

    And of course, all the Wiki connections/work with those artists, I have kept up with him so it was wrong of me not to even bring those up

    It's still hard for me to subscribe to the thinking that there Ratking was start of all of that because of how different their sound was but this helps it make more sense to me

    Always wondered what Hak was up to (I know he released at least one solo that was pretty cool) but didn't keep up with Sporting Life much

    Sporting Life was lowkey on the rise doing so much cool s***, but I think there were some abuse allegations against him last year 🤦‍♂️ sucks that so many talented people have to f*** up their relationships like that

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Sporting Life was lowkey on the rise doing so much cool s***, but I think there were some abuse allegations against him last year 🤦‍♂️ sucks that so many talented people have to f*** up their relationships like that


  • Sep 29, 2021

    Sporting life was one of the best producers out

    His workflow was insane so inspiring

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    @beflygelt also dreamcrusher

    Saw him/them(? it's been a while so I forgot if it's just one dude or a band, pretty sure it's one person) in 2018 and it was crazy

    I'm running to the L'Rain thread off that mention alone

    it's one person but it's them cause they're non-binary :D lowkey wasn't hip till those mixtapes last year but those are insanity...

    also dropped a rap tape with King Vision Ultra the other day, also very hard

  • Sep 29, 2021

    @findjordy @marcusg just listen to the songs in op in order tbh and if you dig that to all of So It Goes

  • Sep 29, 2021

    it's one person but it's them cause they're non-binary :D lowkey wasn't hip till those mixtapes last year but those are insanity...

    also dropped a rap tape with King Vision Ultra the other day, also very hard

    Thank you for the pronoun help and preciate it as always with the music

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Wikispeaks is so legendary. Thought he was up next after that one.

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Wiki Speaks was my s*** back in the day

  • Sep 29, 2021
    3 replies

    lowkey they were the start of the whole avant garde ny rap s***

    El-P / Company Flow/ Cannibal Ox bro

  • Sep 29, 2021

    El-P / Company Flow/ Cannibal Ox bro

    also a lot of good underground rap from that time like Babbletron. Shabazz Palaces and Death Grips carried the torch later on too

    never heard much from RATKING, will check them out

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    If RATKING isn't some of yall's speed, Wiki's tape from 2015 is a great place to jump in too. Bunch of Sporting Life production, and some features from the current NY scene.

    I think a big reason that RATKING buzz has stuck to them so hard was the crossover appeal with other outsider genres, which I think has waned since they've all split. Group really had a different energy to them but it served it's purpose for the time. Wiki is far and away a better rapper now then he was in the early 10s. Same for Sport and Hak.

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    If RATKING isn't some of yall's speed, Wiki's tape from 2015 is a great place to jump in too. Bunch of Sporting Life production, and some features from the current NY scene.

    I think a big reason that RATKING buzz has stuck to them so hard was the crossover appeal with other outsider genres, which I think has waned since they've all split. Group really had a different energy to them but it served it's purpose for the time. Wiki is far and away a better rapper now then he was in the early 10s. Same for Sport and Hak.

    What should I check from Hak?

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    What should I check from Hak?

    I think the last major material he released was June (album) but I think he's always really shined on his features. Not sure if he's really put out more than that to be honest.

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I think the last major material he released was June (album) but I think he's always really shined on his features. Not sure if he's really put out more than that to be honest.

    Damn, was hoping he'd have more than June out by now

    Who has he been working with/what features of his should I check?

  • Sep 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Damn, was hoping he'd have more than June out by now

    Who has he been working with/what features of his should I check?

    Peep Sunday School Dropout with Wiki and feast with Remy Banks. Also Worlds Fair is a great cousin group to RATKING if any of this is remotely appealing.