Peep Sunday School Dropout with Wiki and feast with Remy Banks. Also Worlds Fair is a great cousin group to RATKING if any of this is remotely appealing.
Preciate it
It was Secret Circle that got the axe
Yeah I deleted because I got it wrong but still man
Wiki and LUM
I was in the Lower East Side one day for the first time, like a month ago, and I was listening to So It Goes for vibes then I walked right past Wiki and Sage. I shoulda said what's up
I was in the Lower East Side one day for the first time, like a month ago, and I was listening to So It Goes for vibes then I walked right past Wiki and Sage. I shoulda said what's up
yooo that's kinda wild
Need to check more footwork out
beat defo reminds me of dj rashads stuff, chi legend
yooo that's kinda wild
Kinda hard to believe but I saw Hak the same day while standing in line at Flightclub.
It was my first day in NY I saw Wiki,Sage, Hak, Dev Hynes and (I THINK) Harmony Korrine
Saw them live in 2014. Wiki actually is a really good performer. Dude broke his mic on his head lmao. * still gets heavy play
Kinda hard to believe but I saw Hak the same day while standing in line at Flightclub.
It was my first day in NY I saw Wiki,Sage, Hak, Dev Hynes and (I THINK) Harmony Korrine
LMAO get tf out
LMAO get tf out
Swear to God.
This was all in the span of 4-6 hours.
Not sure if that was Harmony Korrine I saw, looked just like him.
But Lower East Side might be my favorite city in the world. I can feel where Ratking comes from
beat defo reminds me of dj rashads stuff, chi legend
legit just the other day revisited Double Cup as well, another early 10s classic my ears weren't quite ready for then but which aged amazingly similar artwork too
@Vox highly recommend Jlin - Black Origami, saw her live twice the same night night when she replaced someone else at Rewire fest, she's insane... Room(s) by Machinedrum is a sorta Burial-ish take on footwork, very cool, also homie showed me DJ Taye - Pyrot3k recently that one Slaps
legit just the other day revisited Double Cup as well, another early 10s classic my ears weren't quite ready for then but which aged amazingly similar artwork too
@Vox highly recommend Jlin - Black Origami, saw her live twice the same night night when she replaced someone else at Rewire fest, she's insane... Room(s) by Machinedrum is a sorta Burial-ish take on footwork, very cool, also homie showed me DJ Taye - Pyrot3k recently that one Slaps
Just saved this to my notes, thank you
Swear to God.
This was all in the span of 4-6 hours.
Not sure if that was Harmony Korrine I saw, looked just like him.
But Lower East Side might be my favorite city in the world. I can feel where Ratking comes from
Lower east side isn’t a city but sure
Great thread
hoping it'll put some more ppl on, my So It Goes relistens yesterday and this morning on the way to work had me like
parts of it do remind me musically of NOTM by Death Grips but in a good way, that's also one of my fav albums of the 10s (powers that b arguably their peak imo).
It's also even more repetitive and works with slowly adding or switching elements in the loop, in that way most notably inspired by footwork tbh. Most notably like Snow Beach where all those jazzy horns come in halfway through
oh and I think I forgot to explain the Vonnegut reference, that's from Slaughterhouse-Five, which is a WWII / sci-fi novel. Every time someone dies it's like, "he died. So it goes." Very unique and clever novel, still one of my all-time favs.
I’ve been listening to this heavy recently, I f***ing love this album and them. Wiki93 too
I’ve been listening to this heavy recently, I f***ing love this album and them. Wiki93 too
you've been real fam
this is cool but i don’t see how this is ahead of their time like it sounds like it’s meant for that era tbh
Real for Snow Beach tho
One of the few song i do like from them
legit can't get over how amazing that track is atm. Apparently the guy was shot the video also did the recent Moor Mother / Siifu vid @marcusg and not just that but he used to be an assistant to Andy Warhol, did photography for the first ATCQ album, shot the Ill Communication cover for Beastie Boys, plus since has worked with Supreme a lot