Only time I ever was a Tory fan
woulda been hella f***ed up if tory beat on a special needs guy
I’m not kidding when I say that Travis only found out what happened when he pulled up to Dave and busters later that evening
suck my d*** b**** ass nigga
dont know who's alt you are but f*** you
Yo my nigga on his bully today.
mans came back after exile and just said "fuck it"
mans really wasn't sorry about that astrofest s*** smh
you don't even know him weirdo
He does stuff like this a lot.
Hate was a strong word, I don’t really think of him that much, but he pretty regularly breaks s***, assaults people, acts irresponsibly, etc. and if I remember correctly even cheats in relationships, something borderline unforgivable.
That’s scumbag s*** in my book. Rodeo a classic though
He does stuff like this a lot.
Hate was a strong word, I don’t really think of him that much, but he pretty regularly breaks s***, assaults people, acts irresponsibly, etc. and if I remember correctly even cheats in relationships, something borderline unforgivable.
That’s scumbag s*** in my book. Rodeo a classic though
Are you a future fan?
Or an old Tyler the Creator fan?
Tyler raps about that type of s***, but iirc he was never living violently or any s*** like that
I know he’s a serial cheater, which sucks, but is he straight up violent and destructive to property?
I don’t want to have to hate the man who made Monster :(
I know he’s a serial cheater, which sucks, but is he straight up violent and destructive to property?
I don’t want to have to hate the man who made Monster :(
You just said it was unforgivable
You just said it was unforgivable
It’s borderline unforgivable.
That being said though, I guess I do have to dislike him for that.
Idk, maybe it’s just because of how easy he makes it to connect with his pain and struggle in his music, but I still have hope he can make amends and do better in the future.
But I do like him less than I would otherwise because of that
Also, I would still consider myself a Travis fan too.
I’m still a Ye fan, despite all the awful s*** he’s said and given rise to.
How I feel about the artist as a person doesn’t dictate how much I appreciate and love their art