  • Mar 1, 2023
    2 replies

    Aye yall if I see Travis around new york and capture him do I get paid or nah

  • Mar 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Shady Ant

    Yeah. He doesn’t do similar stuff, does he?

    He literally builds his persona around bragging abt that s***

  • Mar 2, 2023
    Shady Ant

    Tyler raps about that type of s***, but iirc he was never living violently or any s*** like that

    There’s a reason Tyler swears off his entire young persona

  • Mar 2, 2023

    He literally builds his persona around bragging abt that s***

    Yeah, I like Future less than I would if he was faithful. Like, he’s a great artist, but his infidelity stops him from being, like, one of my main faves.
    That being said though, I feel like there’s a difference between lyrics and actual actions.
    I love singing/rapping about attacking people at the slightest provocation, just cuz I feel like it, but at the same time if I actually did that, I would be a bad person, and I wouldn’t be happy with myself.
    The thing that makes me specifically dislike Travis is that he seems to consistently, carelessly, and callously do things that are fun to rap about, but s***ty to actually do irl.
    If it was just one thing or it only happened a couple times, I would be able to still respect and like him to an extent, since everyone makes mistakes, and I ask people to tolerate some stuff I do that they don’t like.
    But he does a bunch of bad things consistently, and never seems to care about it at all.
    It’s really hard for me to not dislike him when he’s consistently breaking things, attacking people, cheating, etc. and never seems to go through any internal conflict because of it.
    I’m sorry if he’s one of your faves, and I still love his music, but I just really can’t like him as person unless and until he repents for his actions and starts trying to make a change

  • Mar 2, 2023

    So this nigga didn’t learn his lesson I see.

  • Mar 2, 2023

    Sound engineer must not been able to get his speakers loud enough

  • Mar 2, 2023

    Aye yall if I see Travis around new york and capture him do I get paid or nah

    You get paid in louie belts

  • Mar 2, 2023
    5 replies

    The fact he did it in an Onyx shirt

  • Mar 2, 2023
    im in Yodieland

    The fact he did it in an Onyx shirt

    He said Back the f*** up in a BACKDAFUCKUP shirt

  • Travis seems mean but his voice sounds really cool with autotune!

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply
    Shady Ant

    Tyler raps about that type of s***, but iirc he was never living violently or any s*** like that

    caused a whole riot at newbury comics and that entire chain didnt sell his albums for like a decade 😭

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    caused a whole riot at newbury comics and that entire chain didnt sell his albums for like a decade 😭

    Lmao, I forgot about that.

  • Mar 2, 2023
    2 replies
    Shady Ant

    Lmao, I forgot about that.

    i was dying when that guy told me thats why i wasn’t able to buy cherry bomb in 2015

  • Mar 2, 2023

    i was dying when that guy told me thats why i wasn’t able to buy cherry bomb in 2015

    Lmao, that sucks!

  • Mar 2, 2023
    im in Yodieland

    The fact he did it in an Onyx shirt

    “bro is killing the vibe” induced rampage

  • Shady Ant

    It’s borderline unforgivable.
    That being said though, I guess I do have to dislike him for that.
    Idk, maybe it’s just because of how easy he makes it to connect with his pain and struggle in his music, but I still have hope he can make amends and do better in the future.
    But I do like him less than I would otherwise because of that

    Nah you right. Travis been doing this s*** since 2009!

  • insertcoolnamehere

    I forgot we decided as a forum to ignore footage of him/his crew ignoring cries for help. My bad yall.

    I'll take the L I'm wrong.

    s*** just aint what happened

    we all saw the vids where it looks like that might be the case, but it's been established that 1. Trav was unaware of what was going on and 2. the concert security/safety people should've told him, but didn't.

    under lights like that, w music that loud, u can only see maybe the first couple rows and u can only hear the voice coming thru ur earpiece. When the people who have a line to his earpiece don't say s***, u can't rlly expect him to be aware of anything going on in the crowd past like the third row of ppl.

  • the one thing trav noticed was the ambulance, because it's a fkn ambulance. and he did stop the music and he did ask "what's going on" (directed to whoever's got his earpiece) and they didn't tell him anything, jus let him keep going. If ur a performer onstage who can barely see anything past row 3, ur trusting that the concert security ppl have it under control. If they don't tell u to stop, ur meant to assume everything is cool.

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    and it's like "well if it was me, I would've noticed" or "I would've stopped the second I saw the ambulance"

    that is straight cap. Picture urself in Travis's shoes. This is definitely not the first time he's seen an ambulance at a show, people get dehydrated and pass out every once in a while. Not to say that ambulances in the crowd are normal, but that, given Trav's touring experience, it's expected that he'd assume it's a one-person incident like dehydration or something unless the voice in his ear says otherwise.

  • Mar 2, 2023
    2 replies

    man sorry for ranting but it just rlly gets to me how there's literally a set of people in charge of concert safety that Travis is meant to be able to trust. The gameplan is "unless we tell you something's wrong, assume that we have things under control". That's just how s*** operates. Trav sticking to the gameplan is not something he should get "cancelled" over. The anger should 100% be directed towards LiveNation.

    and there's people who will hear this but already committed to hating Trav, and they'll start grasping at straws to find something they can blame him for. "well, his name's in the name of the festival, he must have had some input on the people involved. He shouldn't have trusted the LiveNation people. If it was me, I would've noticed they weren't capable and gone with someone else."

    ^if that's u, listen carefully. LiveNation is a monopoly. When ur an artist as large as Travis, there is no other choice.

    basically, the blame for this s*** has to be laid at the feet of LiveNation and the larger systems at play. Get mad at capitalism, get mad at monopolies, get mad at LiveNation marketing it as a family event just to make more money, get mad at concert security for being inept. Focusing really any anger at Travis is understandable, okay. I get that his name's in the title, he's in all the headlines. But it really doesn't make sense once ur informed.

  • Mar 2, 2023

    man sorry for ranting but it just rlly gets to me how there's literally a set of people in charge of concert safety that Travis is meant to be able to trust. The gameplan is "unless we tell you something's wrong, assume that we have things under control". That's just how s*** operates. Trav sticking to the gameplan is not something he should get "cancelled" over. The anger should 100% be directed towards LiveNation.

    and there's people who will hear this but already committed to hating Trav, and they'll start grasping at straws to find something they can blame him for. "well, his name's in the name of the festival, he must have had some input on the people involved. He shouldn't have trusted the LiveNation people. If it was me, I would've noticed they weren't capable and gone with someone else."

    ^if that's u, listen carefully. LiveNation is a monopoly. When ur an artist as large as Travis, there is no other choice.

    basically, the blame for this s*** has to be laid at the feet of LiveNation and the larger systems at play. Get mad at capitalism, get mad at monopolies, get mad at LiveNation marketing it as a family event just to make more money, get mad at concert security for being inept. Focusing really any anger at Travis is understandable, okay. I get that his name's in the title, he's in all the headlines. But it really doesn't make sense once ur informed.

    U people get online and act like u know everything it was an obvious sacrifice ritual

  • All bro had to do was just stay quiet til Utopia dropped lol honestly thought most people moved on from the Astroworld thing. But people really couldn't wait to start getting back on him again.

  • Mar 2, 2023

    Notorious serial killer tarvis scoot

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    make it darker

    He did that and kids got k...... nvm.
