  • Mar 2, 2023
    2 replies
    im in Yodieland

    The fact he did it in an Onyx shirt

    That’s it? Mfers made it seem like he hit him with a Mike Tyson holy cross that sent his ass to Jesus

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    That’s it? Mfers made it seem like he hit him with a Mike Tyson holy cross that sent his ass to Jesus

    We have no idea what happened after this. One clip doesn't necessarily paint the whole picture for us. This could be hours before the alleged incident

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    We have no idea what happened after this. One clip doesn't necessarily paint the whole picture for us. This could be hours before the alleged incident

  • Lamar

    Aye yall if I see Travis around new york and capture him do I get paid or nah

    New Yorkers about to go looking for Travis like it’s Pokémon go

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Travis always beating the nerds and backstage people up lol

    Didn’t have that energy for Tory Lanez tho in the studio

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    definitely not the reputation you want to have after you know you kinda were a factor in 8 people dying but what do i know.

    Let's be real though anyone that has been a fan of travis knows that he is a massive d***head.

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    They said he left at 3 am after destroying equipment. We don't see the while story

  • Mar 2, 2023

    They said he left at 3 am after destroying equipment. We don't see the while story

    That ain’t s*** Keith Richards done way worse

  • Mar 2, 2023

    Travis always beating the nerds and backstage people up lol

    Didn’t have that energy for Tory Lanez tho in the studio

    Which is wild cause Tory a b**** himself

  • Mar 2, 2023
    im in Yodieland

    The fact he did it in an Onyx shirt

    Corny how he use astroworld to get traction for the tweet, the f*** does that have to do with him pushing a dude. I really want twitter to die

  • Mar 2, 2023

  • Mar 2, 2023
    young majid

    I think there is a pattern of Travis being in physical altercations?

    there is

  • Mar 2, 2023
    4 replies

    He's acting like Shanehneh in that episode of Martin

  • Mar 2, 2023
    2 replies
    im in Yodieland

    The fact he did it in an Onyx shirt

    What does AstroWorld have anything to do with this?

    People acting like the nigga was beating up people at his own festival rewriting the whole story

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply
    Da Bitches 2

    He's acting like Shanehneh in that episode of Martin

    He just lookin for a payday

  • Mar 2, 2023
    Da Bitches 2

    He's acting like Shanehneh in that episode of Martin

    Hey your arm got a b***oo too right?

    “Oh yeah that too”

  • Mar 2, 2023

    That’s it? Mfers made it seem like he hit him with a Mike Tyson holy cross that sent his ass to Jesus

    It's the video before the incident occurred bro lol...

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    What does AstroWorld have anything to do with this?

    People acting like the nigga was beating up people at his own festival rewriting the whole story

    It’s sad lol bro was telling somebody to f*** off it ain’t that deep

  • Mar 2, 2023
    Bernie X

    He must’ve punched that bald white dude lmaoooo

    and u were right

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    He just lookin for a payday

    Travis was stupid enough to touch him. Can you blame him? I'd be in a wheel chair like Paul Pierce if I was his ass

  • Mar 2, 2023
    Da Bitches 2

    He's acting like Shanehneh in that episode of Martin

    He wants a check

  • Mar 2, 2023

    He did that and kids got k...... nvm.


  • Mar 2, 2023
    The Krab Season

    he should be at home looking after rihrih and the baby

    I'm sorry mama, I never meant to ball this hard.

  • slimreapercantrap

    man sorry for ranting but it just rlly gets to me how there's literally a set of people in charge of concert safety that Travis is meant to be able to trust. The gameplan is "unless we tell you something's wrong, assume that we have things under control". That's just how s*** operates. Trav sticking to the gameplan is not something he should get "cancelled" over. The anger should 100% be directed towards LiveNation.

    and there's people who will hear this but already committed to hating Trav, and they'll start grasping at straws to find something they can blame him for. "well, his name's in the name of the festival, he must have had some input on the people involved. He shouldn't have trusted the LiveNation people. If it was me, I would've noticed they weren't capable and gone with someone else."

    ^if that's u, listen carefully. LiveNation is a monopoly. When ur an artist as large as Travis, there is no other choice.

    basically, the blame for this s*** has to be laid at the feet of LiveNation and the larger systems at play. Get mad at capitalism, get mad at monopolies, get mad at LiveNation marketing it as a family event just to make more money, get mad at concert security for being inept. Focusing really any anger at Travis is understandable, okay. I get that his name's in the title, he's in all the headlines. But it really doesn't make sense once ur informed.

    sad bcuz ppl wanna ignore this s*** & would rather condescend & posture than actually using their brain lol

  • Mar 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Your honor, when I asked Mr. Scott to turn the volume of mix down, he looked at me and said, "Either rage or go home". I asked again and he proceeded to punch me multiple times while stating, "It's lit"