Think the reasons for it are but i don’t think weight itself is related to mental issues.
Cause nobody does this when somebody is losing weight at an alarming rate
Referring back to page 2 post about other countries developing anorexia when exposed to western media
Referring back to page 2 post about other countries developing anorexia when exposed to western media
sheesh that’s crazy and hard to believe at least with modern american media it’s fatties everywhere
I live here in nyc & barely see any truly overweight ppl
Husky maybe but I don’t even think the lifestyle here allows you to be big like that lol
bruh at my work we had to let this lady go a couple weeks ago because she was so fat she couldn't do a simple desk job
i would have agreed with u if I didnt see it with my own two eyes. she literally had to turn sideways to go thru a door
How do you even approach someone to fire them like that
1 in 3 people here are fat, we are right now sitting at third place for fattest nation per capita.
With the current rise in healthy food prices and homelessness after mismanagement of COVID by Jacinda I believe in 6 months we will dethrone USA!
I live here in nyc & barely see any truly overweight ppl
Husky maybe but I don’t even think the lifestyle here allows you to be big like that lol
I mean there's overweight and then there's obese but you don't hsve to be Peter Griffin for it to be having bad impact on your health
But if you overweight and its because you don't have a healthy lifestyle good chance it gonna cause you health problems, that's what we're seeing. Diabetes is on alarming rise in America and other western countries along with things like colorectal cancers heart disease etc all increases with overweight
Also we need to talk about how Twitter is just a full blown alt-right amplifier now with Twitter Blue
how is this alt right
I live here in nyc & barely see any truly overweight ppl
Husky maybe but I don’t even think the lifestyle here allows you to be big like that lol
Leads to a whole conversation about more states having public transportation and walker friendly would eliminate a lot of these issues
Niggas dont wanna have that talk lol
How do you even approach someone to fire them like that
I mean she just literally couldn't do the tasks in the job description, that ain't nothin on fatphobic discrimination or anything, that's just firing a poor worker
glad i aint got that hr job tho lmao
Y’all need to go to
The south specifically San Antonio and tell me America doesn’t have an obesity problem lmao
The whole “body acceptance” thing our current society has is disgusting. It’s a cover for people to be unhealthy.
No one should be proud of being unhealthy. It’s something everyone should strive to improve. I get that it’s tougher for some people because of genetics, but that doesn’t mean you should just accept it. Obviously making fun of people for their weight is not cool, but the whole mindset that people should just appreciate fat people for what they are and let them live their lives is just weird and detrimental.
Edit: this post is obviously not directly related to the article in OP, just a general observation about society.
The whole blaming body acceptance for obesity levels has got it twisted
It's the other way round. Obesity is at such levels that the body acceptance movement is a natural result. That's only a relatively new thing obesity rates been a problem for decades now....
It's diet and activity levels not any acceptance movements... the body acceptance thing is generally a woman movement that men seem to look unfavorably on however obesity as big a problem in men too
Leads to a whole conversation about more states having public transportation and walker friendly would eliminate a lot of these issues
Niggas dont wanna have that talk lol
yes we do
Leads to a whole conversation about more states having public transportation and walker friendly would eliminate a lot of these issues
Niggas dont wanna have that talk lol
some overweight people would unironically argue that having walking friendly cities is discrimination and fat phobia
some overweight people would unironically argue that having walking friendly cities is discrimination and fat phobia
I’m a victim of fat positivity culture. I’d probably be in shape if I grew up in Korea or japan eating bland tea based snacks
No s*** they're thin their work culture is f***ed
Would be nice if there were more thin women around and portion sizes were smaller. A woman who’s in shape in America is an automatic 8
Lol and what are you?