They should nuke Florida tbh
Those manatees aint do nuthin wrong you sick f***
Why they got buddy smiling so hard at the bottom?
That’s Snake Plisskin buddy
Those manatees aint do nuthin wrong you sick f***
Manatees sound like good eating tbh
That’s Snake Plisskin buddy
That doesn’t explain why he’s just cheesing when all hell is breaking loose
Yeah why attack communication or military infrastructure when you can watch big buildings go boom
You mean like how there were no military bases in Nagasaki
Wonder why they dropped one there
can they just do this instead
You mean like how there were no military bases in Nagasaki
Wonder why they dropped one there
To make a statement and end the war. We already know the power of nukes BECAUSE of those 2 bombs being dropped. We don’t need an example anymore and in war time you go after broadcasting towers and communication lines first. You go after major military hubs. If NYC was to get nuked we’d see it coming a thousand miles away
Great movie
fell in love with Emmy Rossum because of it
To make a statement and end the war. We already know the power of nukes BECAUSE of those 2 bombs being dropped. We don’t need an example anymore and in war time you go after broadcasting towers and communication lines first. You go after major military hubs. If NYC was to get nuked we’d see it coming a thousand miles away
They have plenty of other capable missiles that can destroy military bases and communications. We already know if anyone drops a nuke on us it's mutually assured destruction at that point, so attempting to kill morale or just take out as many people as possible might as well be their objective if anyone is to ever drop nukes most of the country is f***ed
Xi sends the nukes Trudeau sends the troops
Xi got the nukes
Trudeau got the guns
The fed got my credit cards and a lotta ones