if a nuke hit wouldn’t niggas be eviscerated? like turned into ash instantly?
lmfao eviscerated is crazy
China has nukes, we got Shawny Binladen!
To make a statement and end the war. We already know the power of nukes BECAUSE of those 2 bombs being dropped. We don’t need an example anymore and in war time you go after broadcasting towers and communication lines first. You go after major military hubs. If NYC was to get nuked we’d see it coming a thousand miles away
Once a nuke is launched its already too late
isnt this just because people answered in a survey that they felt least educated on nuclear war preparation?
Sth like 90% of people within reasonable commuting distance of Manhattan would be either vaporized or wishing that they were
also a few years ago people would've laughed if they put out a pandemic response video
maybe covid was a lesson that it's better to be prepared for all eventualities, however unlikely they seem
if a nuke hit wouldn’t niggas be eviscerated? like turned into ash instantly?
Nah just stay in your s***ty apt. All good hide behind a shower curtain, put a pillow over your head
also a few years ago people would've laughed if they put out a pandemic response video
maybe covid was a lesson that it's better to be prepared for all eventualities, however unlikely they seem
You're a kid speaking on things you don't know about. We've had plenty of epidemics and pandemics.
They gonna record that s*** for likes no one thinking bout no step one
They gonna record that s*** for likes no one thinking bout no step one