you broke a 6-week streak of no posts just to be transphobic, weird behavior
you broke a 6-week streak of no posts just to be transphobic, weird behavior
Mad weird peeps on this site
i dont fkn know lol
i just saw this sht n knew it would make a busy thread
now i realize it was a mistake
I live in philly
i could have walked past u today and wouldn't even know
i could have walked past u today and wouldn't even know
its a small town
Like sure giving shelter to the homeless is noble. But if we're keeping it real, not many people even have the facilities to take in the homeless into their homes.
When it's 20° and the shelters are filled up...aye I hope they got some thick jackets and blankets from a donation center at least. It is not the responsibility of citizens to provide their homes to complete strangers. And in cities with a ton of empty apartments and office spaces...if I'm a citizen I'd find it ridiculous that I would even have to be the one to offer my home when the accomodations can be easily available if the banks and investment firms buying up all these properties to do nothing with actually made that s*** available as shelters. Why are citizens made to be responsible for providing shelter to homeless and squatters, when they likely don't even have the space, means, and general accommodations, but these banks get off scot-free?
There are many safer and more viable solutions to housing homeless people and squatters that shouldn't rely on regular homeowners to have to make their personal space into a shelter.
now tell me where anyone itt is or was actively rooting for these niggas to take someone's house.
For the umpteenth, we just understood what happens when people get desperate. I've cursed out Adams ITT at LEAST 3 times fam lmfao.
and to answer your question idk. I do know from a rl situation when I used to live in Ocean Hill that a mentally ill d*** dealer wouldn't stop harassing my apartment because one of the roommates didnt buy meth from him one time that he offered. Besides the occasion late night ringing the doorbell, I never tried to get cops or anybody from outside the community involved (neighbors that knew him in the community said he wouldnt hurt nobody). That I'm not one to feel "oMg UnComForTabLe" about living adjacent next to crazy people.
(that's partially one of the reasons why some of those empty apartments and buildings won't get converted to shelters, the gentrifiying cacs that live around those buildings NIMBY'd that idea tf out of here unfortunately
now tell me where anyone itt is or was actively rooting for these niggas to take someone's house.
For the umpteenth, we just understood what happens when people get desperate. I've cursed out Adams ITT at LEAST 3 times fam lmfao.
and to answer your question idk. I do know from a rl situation when I used to live in Ocean Hill that a mentally ill d*** dealer wouldn't stop harassing my apartment because one of the roommates didnt buy meth from him one time that he offered. Besides the occasion late night ringing the doorbell, I never tried to get cops or anybody from outside the community involved (neighbors that knew him in the community said he wouldnt hurt nobody). That I'm not one to feel "oMg UnComForTabLe" about living adjacent next to crazy people.
(that's partially one of the reasons why some of those empty apartments and buildings won't get converted to shelters, the gentrifiying cacs that live around those buildings NIMBY'd that idea tf out of here unfortunately
now tell me where anyone itt is or was actively rooting for these niggas to take someone's house.
Yeah b I ain't reading anything else you said after this because not once did I even say or imply this in that paragraph.
Like it's understood we ain't talking about the kinda squatters who just tryna takeover someone's crib.
Think this squatter situation getting all the attention it's getting is going to ultimately end up f***ing tenant rights.
Ya were in here calling someone tryna to sell their family home after their parents passed so they wouldn't have more than one home a slumlord lol
Think this squatter situation getting all the attention it's getting is going to ultimately end up f***ing tenant rights.
^somebody gets it.
They had no lease. Also the court system is gonna take probably 2 years to resolve
we’re still waiting on the ynw melly verdict lol
Thing is folk back in the day if they couldn't get a job that feed and house them , they'd travel to a place they could , no matter how far it take them. We still see this perseverance from many peoples around the world
Now too many wanna stay and get s*** for free, even if it means taking from other working folk. It spits in the face of all the people working their ass off living on the bread line. We can hear the excuses already but it's just how I and many other people feel. Don't be surprise if we feel some type of way bout it.
I hope our tax money is being used for surveillance on the snow boy user. If it's not an elaborate performance art piece they should be on a watch list for sure
Their takes and the hostility displayed when challenged are weird as hell and should be great cause for concern to any neutral observer reading this thread
labor is entitled to all it creates. your house isnt "yours" because you shook hands with a white construction manager while he wheeled in a bunch of latino migrant workers and then yelled at them in broken spanish. and even when its finished its not really "yours" since youre locked into a 60 year mortgage and have to abide by the regulations of an HOA.
most likely nobody is ever going to take your house but youre also not entitled to it because your life circumstances turned out a certain way. housing is a human right, it should belong to the public.
if youre black in NYC youre 8x more likely to be homeless than a white person. those people aren't "colonizers" because they want housing (a f***ed up reversal of history to even make that insinuation), they were shut out of it through a segregated housing system that persists to this day.
What the f***
Y’all are mad childish. You don’t know if she needs that money for retirement or to pay for a family member’s medical bills or some s***. Lots of working class people with deep roots in the city own property deep in the outer boroughs from back when s*** was reasonably affordable
You don’t have to be a 1 percenter to inherit your parent’s primary residence that they bought in the 70s. She’s not some real estate mogul buying up properties in bulk as far as I can tell
I hope our tax money is being used for surveillance on the snow boy user. If it's not an elaborate performance art piece they should be on a watch list for sure
Their takes and the hostility displayed when challenged are weird as hell and should be great cause for concern to any neutral observer reading this thread
Engaging with that type of poster is a fools game
^somebody gets it.
Yeah and it’s a shame because I obviously think people intentionally “stealing” houses is awful and people shouldn’t be able to do what some of these people are doing, but it’s obvious how it will end
Thing is folk back in the day if they couldn't get a job that feed and house them , they'd travel to a place they could , no matter how far it take them. We still see this perseverance from many peoples around the world
Now too many wanna stay and get s*** for free, even if it means taking from other working folk. It spits in the face of all the people working their ass off living on the bread line. We can hear the excuses already but it's just how I and many other people feel. Don't be surprise if we feel some type of way bout it.
It’s almost like packing up your life to move hundreds of miles away is extremely difficult and expensive
It’s almost like packing up your life to move hundreds of miles away is extremely difficult and expensive
Boo hoo
I don’t think houses should be considered private property I think houses should only be able to be treated as personal property
dumb socialist word games
u basically agree with dude but he wasn't using the words u wanted
that's 2-3 less people that are out in (at that time) below 30 degree weather at night in nyc nike.
We have a homeless/migrant issue and have more empty houses and buildings that "are trying to be sold" for years nike.
people need food clothes and shelter and this nyc administration is not doing anything to really address that nike.
Let homeless people use your house for a week and see what kinda shape it's in after