how many shooting his enemy bars is he gonna drop
brartatrta bow bow bow
Yea fonz got this lol
He is kicking this nigga ASS
Bruh what is this
I'm dead
No crowd made that s*** 10x more awkward
ya that aint it
Fonz got the 25k in the bag
I see what he tried to do tho
Nah this gotta be Jey cousins in the chat talking about that round was hard
what was that jaguar tekken 2 line?
Don't tell me what Fonz's worth
"Everybody's 6 feet"
They're standing right next to eachother
"Infinity gauntlet I could snap at any moment"
Hurry up an pick a winner damn
Anybody else audio kinda low?
Yeah. I thought it was cause dude was holding the mic at his belly button but its still kinda low
This is taking too long
They bout to give it to Jey loool