@Otos @sentient_sherm_bag What do you think happened in the jakes at the end of the book?
I wish I had a really inventive take on it, but I took the purposeful lack of description, from both the narrator and the characters who react to it, as a means to indicate that it was an act of violation so massive, absolute and all-consuming that the Judge might very well have just absorbed the kid entirely. It’s an act of violence so profound that a book predicated on an economy of scalps doesn't see fit to mention the grisly details. The nakedness of the judge adds a perverse element, implying both a sexually violent undercurrent to the encounter but also reflects his antediluvian, primordial status as an embodiment of wrath that existed before man and would exist after man. He is naked and unashamed of his evil in the face of a god, unlike Adam who found his nakedness and sin worthy of shame
@Otos @sentient_sherm_bag What do you think happened in the jakes at the end of the book?
I guess the short answer would be consumption haha
I’d recommend giving the audiobook a try for a second reading. It’s on YouTube. I forget which album but billy actually sampled part of it.
its today I wrote nothing. at least 2 samples from it that I remember
In the spirit of pointless competition: do ya’ll feel like any of the Armand Hammer albums show one half of the duo “out-rapping” the other, or does it always break even in your mind?
Went through the discog post-Furtive Movements today and would say:
Rome is a straight tie
Paraffin goes to woods
Shrines goes to ELUCID
Haram is another tie
In the spirit of pointless competition: do ya’ll feel like any of the Armand Hammer albums show one half of the duo “out-rapping” the other, or does it always break even in your mind?
Went through the discog post-Furtive Movements today and would say:
Rome is a straight tie
Paraffin goes to woods
Shrines goes to ELUCID
Haram is another tie
I'd give Rome to ELUCID. Agree with you on the others though.
Probably lean towards woods on Haram actually, but only slightly.
I'd give Rome to ELUCID. Agree with you on the others though.
Probably lean towards woods on Haram actually, but only slightly.
It’s a delight to watch their turns of phrase and neologisms pop back up across other verses and projects
Like a veritable parade 🤩
In the spirit of pointless competition: do ya’ll feel like any of the Armand Hammer albums show one half of the duo “out-rapping” the other, or does it always break even in your mind?
Went through the discog post-Furtive Movements today and would say:
Rome is a straight tie
Paraffin goes to woods
Shrines goes to ELUCID
Haram is another tie
Still think Rome is underrated ITT. Woods storytelling on there makes him the clear winner
Meanwhile my bodega ock selling weed (no thanks man)
400 dollar Japanese denim jeans
(They're actually very comfortable)
Is it just me or does Soft Landing kinda f*** with the sequencing?
Deluxe of the vinyl has different sequencing, the second track is usually an album’s big single so I figure whoever sequenced the standard didn’t want to have Facetime and Soft Landing both at the end
Is it just me or does Soft Landing kinda f*** with the sequencing?
I don’t find that to be the case personally. After the intro, where he’s at home in NYC, it makes sense that the next song he’s departing on the “journey”
Deluxe of the vinyl has different sequencing, the second track is usually an album’s big single so I figure whoever sequenced the standard didn’t want to have Facetime and Soft Landing both at the end
That's probably the case. Interesting with the deluxe edition
I don’t find that to be the case personally. After the intro, where he’s at home in NYC, it makes sense that the next song he’s departing on the “journey”
Yeah it makes sense in that way. It's just that musically it begins with Kenwood Speakers which is more dark/gritty (amazing track btw), and then you go on to a more 'soft' track. After Soft Landing most of the album is more dark/gritty again. Idk it just throws me a bit off.
Edit: 'in that way' / 'in that regard' or wtf do you say in English?
Yeah it makes sense in that way. It's just that musically it begins with Kenwood Speakers which is more dark/gritty (amazing track btw), and then you go on to a more 'soft' track. After Soft Landing most of the album is more dark/gritty again. Idk it just throws me a bit off.
Edit: 'in that way' / 'in that regard' or wtf do you say in English?
Both make sense in English
Yeah it makes sense in that way. It's just that musically it begins with Kenwood Speakers which is more dark/gritty (amazing track btw), and then you go on to a more 'soft' track. After Soft Landing most of the album is more dark/gritty again. Idk it just throws me a bit off.
Edit: 'in that way' / 'in that regard' or wtf do you say in English?
I hear that.. I personally don’t find the switch in sound that jarring, but I def hear where you’re coming from
God damn lol. He don't miss
Absolutely flammable
Absolutely flammable
That Soul Glo reference reaffirms my desire for an Armand Hammer/hardcore noise split EP. Backwoodz artists working with bands like Jesus Piece or End It would be f***ing nuts