The reason why was never explained. But I think ucla was supposed to be Blackstar 2 and Blu got a hold of the beats that were supposed to be for Talib and Mos.
jesus lp is classic
The reason why was never explained. But I think ucla was supposed to be Blackstar 2 and Blu got a hold of the beats that were supposed to be for Talib and Mos.
this reminds me of a classic email I got from blu
albums drops today right
the collab
on it
Haven't kept up with Blu since Good to Be Home. He used to be a favorite. I prefer his lo-fi s*** what should I check out?
Haven't kept up with Blu since Good to Be Home. He used to be a favorite. I prefer his lo-fi s*** what should I check out?
Bad Neighbor, Open Your Optics to Optimism, Miles and The Colour Blu(e). Miles mainly, another excellent project from B&E
The reason why was never explained. But I think ucla was supposed to be Blackstar 2 and Blu got a hold of the beats that were supposed to be for Talib and Mos.
First time hearing that WOW
Made me re listen to ucla
Blu still a goat aha
Signed a deal w a L’orange’s record label. And new single with L’orange on Sept 6 “Cafe Music”.
Think this might be a good push
Signed a deal w a L’orange’s record label. And new single with L’orange on Sept 6 “Cafe Music”.
Think this might be a good push
blu x l’orange album would be classic
Some underrated gems on this tape.
One email I will never forget 😂😂
"can you put a parental advisory sticker on her booty"
Love my nigga Blu always