Oh great here comes the party pooper
I enjoy Taylor swift
much much much much much much much
more than Kendrick
You’ll love it
I’m thinking about dropping out of Danny and Vince. You have other matches you want to do with other people.
I was looking forward to this one since we haven’t had a match but if you don’t wanna that’s fine
I mean
Hold on now
you got too much dip on your chip
Just maul your boss
Why has nobody thought of that before?
You eliminate your boss, you won’t have a boss. You only get one boss after all right? Makes perfect sense.
The leaderboard should instead be based on a win/loss ratio
For example I would have a +1 (1 win 0 losses)
I second this
Zaytoven got hacked, BM3 not coming soon it seems
it was me, I hacked into Zay’s laptop and erased every music file i saw
Need a new Future album this second, the drought is real
Pluto x Metro so so soon
New future album fully produced by whitearmor
Why im pulling a dave
Because you quoted a post from 4 hours ago
Pluto x Metro so so soon
I don’t think another rapper except for Kendrick can top that combo today