Because you quoted a post from 4 hours ago
Dave would quote and like a post from 3 weeks ago
He build different
I don’t think another rapper except for Kendrick can top that combo today
chopped n skrewed
skre skrew chop chopped n skreweed skrew chop chopped skreww
I predict June/July
I remember when the leakers said tape with Durk in march and april
I remember when the leakers said tape with Durk in march and april
Metro tape with Durk?
Future has been better than Drake for at least 5 years
Carried Drake on WATTBA
I am now listening to strictly 4 my fans 2
Future has been better than Drake for at least 5 years
literally washed drake on every collab
Metro tape with Durk?
Future x Durk tape
The Metro x Durk album got scrapped it seems. But it leaked in full, was so hard
Future x Durk tape
The Metro x Durk album got scrapped it seems. But it leaked in full, was so hard
Should not have scrapped the Durk x Metro tape
Durk x Future tape dropping same day as Apeshit
Future could deliver an album full of codeine crazies if he locked in