Thinking about Gucci/Wayne mixtape only VZ tbh
wayne washing
Who wanna rep Wayne,I got Gucci,I just wanna prove a point
ya'll won't let him run this one but then don't let him run 2013 vz 2015 vz 2016 either
make a choice man!!
In part 4, everybody stops looking like musclebound freaks of nature
....not until part 4
Who wanna rep Wayne,I got Gucci,I just wanna prove a point
i promise you the point you're trying to make isn't going to be the point you think it is lol
this nigga wants an easy w
Moving like kdoggy
Deleted my post because I impulsively posted without thinking about it first
@Bruises I understand it’s just araki’s art style evolving, but it’s kind of hilarious these are both supposed to be Jonathan and Dio
I wanna do it,I wanna rep Gucci
S*** if u wanna do it so bad
Imma take wayne i want that easy w
this nigga wants an easy w
Moving like kdoggy
guy is playing on 99 sliders
In part 4, everybody stops looking like musclebound freaks of nature
That’s not body positivity
i promise you the point you're trying to make isn't going to be the point you think it is lol
Probably not,I feeling like a daredevil right now tho
@Bruises I understand it’s just araki’s art style evolving, but it’s kind of hilarious these are both supposed to be Jonathan and Dio
Thats ridiculous
....not until part 4
They’re still super muscular in 2 and 3, but that art style is executed far better in those parts
repping artists has gotten old, interesting variety VZs is the new wave
smoke a fat one.