repping artists has gotten old, interesting variety VZs is the new wave
az vz royce da 5'9 so soon
repping artists has gotten old, interesting variety VZs is the new wave
Secret VZ coming so so soon
most exciting thing u've presented who u wanna battle with MIA
Wanna do 2000s vs 2010s Pop?
No way this is real
It was but Selena lost weight and her b**** went away
2010s mixtapes vz 2000s mixtapes?
I got 2010s
2010 mixtapes
future discog, dbr, thug discog
No way this is real
holy hell
It was but Selena lost weight and her b**** went away
his? 😦
@Bruises I understand it’s just araki’s art style evolving, but it’s kind of hilarious these are both supposed to be Jonathan and Dio
Thats not even an art style thing
That is retroactively completely changing the design of your characters