Who wants me
I always juggle Wayne and 3K for my #1 spot
Shrek 5
I'm excited
Wayne better
He has more swag 😎
I absolutely cannot argue this..
Wrong answer
More enthusiasm next time
Wrong answer
I’m thinking bro
Thread should do a session rn
Ryder and purrp are bout to have a white off soon
sure, but I don’t think there’s anything you’ll learn about 3K as a rapper through a solo project that you don’t already know.
strong disagree.
OP is trying to take out all these factors, so i guess in the way he framed the question, i am in the wrong.
but putting aside his parameters:
if you were to say 2024 and 2025 didnt reveal anything new about kendrick, i would technically agree in the sense that his skills were already well known and he didnt improve his skills. he did however show us something that was new and boosted him because i care about that stuff, the ability to captivate the nation and place your personal stamp on the world
Ven pa’ ca
I'm excited
They need to rework the animation. I don’t mind them redesigning them, but they look too different.
Puss In Boots 2 had different animation and it looked incredible.
Ryder and purrp are bout to have a white off soon
Oh i cant wait
To get out the thread when it starts
Very Nort coded
Mmm hmm
Bloom at about :00 ish
They need to rework the animation. I don’t mind them redesigning them, but they look too different.
Puss In Boots 2 had different animation and it looked incredible.
Well they r older
I kno they don't look 1:1 but
Donkey looked the weirdest to me