like Teen Dream i think first half of this album is better than 2nd tho
most of theirs are like that though probably. at least the first 2 or 3 songs are among the best
The real run ends at about trouble maker for me but everything after is still good
On the sea is great until the whale noises
major bop
good times thus far
You were an innocent bystander
What ever happened to that one ktt guy that was in old msct that was really early on the Clairo avis
Mewacigar or something
Wild in our waysss
seeing some lyrics posted makes me realize i really do not listen to a single word in beach house songs
only really hear the titles sometimes ig
like Other People its super clear when she sings the title
What ever happened to that one ktt guy that was in old msct that was really early on the Clairo avis
Mewacigar or something
@mewacagar left a long time ago
major bop
good times thus far
@mewacagar left a long time ago
Whatever happened to pulp...
Where's hfm man...
He's not on the enemy list like nort
Didn't see this on my bingo card
Lazuli also one of my favs and also i like the title
Whatever happened to pulp...
He was never the same after “the incident”.
seeing some lyrics posted makes me realize i really do not listen to a single word in beach house songs
only really hear the titles sometimes ig
like Other People its super clear when she sings the title
They really kinda like Cocteau twins except you can at least hear her lyrics even if they are gibberish
I see it as their voices just being another element in the wall of sound. Usually they have little meaning to me, there are exceptions ofc tho
You're 30 stop calling a rapper you like papi
you can't tell me what to do first of all idiot
what's the problem
They reached retirement age
Last time I saw him he was dropping some semi republican seeming takes in a Kanye thread and I almost cried
Like..."not like this..."
op stands for over powered
Actually it's
Original Instigator P
Actually it's
Original Instigator P
the projections and insecurity😳
Actually it's
Original Instigator P
Never read something so true
They really kinda like Cocteau twins except you can at least hear her lyrics even if they are gibberish
I see it as their voices just being another element in the wall of sound. Usually they have little meaning to me, there are exceptions ofc tho
i think i also have more trouble than most people discerning lyrics unless i pay closer attention. even with normal singers