He was never the same after “the incident”.
U don't know who that is bucko
Oh you think dehydration is your ally?
You merely adopted it
I was born with it, molded by it
bald and with breathing problems JUST like OP!!
you can't tell me what to do first of all idiot
what's the problem
First of all I can
Secondly it annoys me so f*** u
Oh you think dehydration is your ally?
You merely adopted it
I was born with it, molded by it
Overhated movie
I wanna meet ur madre
his spanish on here was basic af
still a bop tho
U don't know who that is bucko
yeah not a clue
fun synths here fr fr
He was part of the @pneumonia flower cult
First of all I can
Secondly it annoys me so f*** u
fun synths here fr fr
a little cheeky
Op doesn't have a cool mask though
He spends all moments wearing a mask, pretending to be a nice guy… but deep down….?
i think i also have more trouble than most people discerning lyrics unless i pay closer attention. even with normal singers
I usually place very little weight in lyrics for my first few listens of stuff I am def a vibe guy lmao
But I also do value lyrics after fawning over the production for a few listens
a little cheeky
love me some arps
@op hate to see you admit to something like this reddit.com/r/washdc/comments/1iwlzx5/this_guy_admits_to_scaring_people_in_dc_with_his
fun synths here fr fr
told you their song progressions came a long way from self titled
They live on in spirit of an emoji
I hope he's having fun man
hard s*** vocaroo.com/1gwoaANKn1hA
Like no other you can’t be replaaaaaaaaaced :catsky:
told you their song progressions came a long way from self titled
absolutely indeed
and like you said this does feel like a darker version of teen dream
Oh it's cause he's banned lol
Last min of lazuli is