ahh ok
1. Purple Rain
3. 1999
4. Controversy
5. Dirty Mind (or Around The World)
black album dont have skips but there’s not a crazy high for me
Certified pedophiles!
Wop wop wop wop wop!
I’m trying to compare these albums and see which one has the most songs I enjoy and they’re all tied at 4
Oh boy.
Le Grind???
not crazy about it like a Do Me Baby or International Lover
Ok, whatever.
damn he hates my guts
They actually based these games off of me
Like they say it's tony hawk
But it's actually made because of stuff I did not him
What a classic. I recently played though and it doesn’t hit the same as an adult. Just made me sad and nostalgic af for childhood
They actually based these games off of me
Like they say it's tony hawk
But it's actually made because of stuff I did not him
This explains me liking Skate 1 over the Tony Hawk games, Tony ripped off Bruises!
This beat goes out to saveme!
Very dope
ahh ok
1. Purple Rain
3. 1999
4. Controversy
5. Dirty Mind (or Around The World)
Purple Reign*