Thought -- hoped more so.
whats ur diet like
need travel experts to tap in
I can hook him up
whats ur diet like
Thus far, I've had nine raviolis (filled with ricotta) with green pesto and pine nuts.
dude radiohead is literally british
I meant non English how bout that
Thus far, I've had nine raviolis (filled with ricotta) with green pesto and pine nuts.
i mean like in general
I meant non English how bout that
oh ya
i prefer to know what the words mean
nigga you are dying
time to stop hating on potatoes @Hndrxx_Free help this man
i would send this man half of my potatoes to heal him fr fr
Update: I'm consuming three open-faced sandwiches with Dutch cheese and cream cheese.
I'm trying my best.
Told you @RVI
i joined a couple sessions for that one latin artist though
i joined a couple sessions for that one latin artist though
The Brazilian guy?
The Brazilian guy?
i believe so yes
@Uhhhhhh, may your cat rest in peace, man.
I do hope you and your mom will find strength and overcome grief eventually.
Thank you Artie
We will be ok. We had her for a long 15 years and it’s just going to be difficult adjusting to not having her around anymore. We will always love her and that’s not going to change. She died in my moms arms, and thankfully is no longer suffering.
oh ya
i prefer to know what the words mean
Come on up your mind and live a little
Thank you Artie
We will be ok. We had her for a long 15 years and it’s just going to be difficult adjusting to not having her around anymore. We will always love her and that’s not going to change. She died in my moms arms, and thankfully is no longer suffering.
You're most welcome.
Take care of yourselves, and cherish the moments you had with her.
Hang in there, Wes.
Come on up your mind and live a little
It’s just a not fun hearing a song, with lyrics, and not being able to appreciate them.
a whole aspect of the music going over my head because of my stupid american brain.
Come on up your mind and live a little
If you see the voice as an instrument why does knowing what they say matter ya know
It’s about the vibe and s*** imo. Plus the playing is soooo so good
Argentinian. If nothing else just listen to the production it’s perfect
very 80’s
It’s just a not fun hearing a song, with lyrics, and not being able to appreciate them.
a whole aspect of the music going over my head because of my stupid american brain.
In theory you can look em up but idk. I do not care at all about not knowing what I’m hearing sometimes it better to not know
Didn’t realize how h**** one of my fav Latin artists was and to an extent I wish I didn’t