Bojack is an amazing show that hits too hard to rewatch
That's the only funny character
Did you ever see the episode where he became a pimp
He was asking those girls if they were trying to make some real mf money
1 little ceasars pizza plus 2 cokes gets that #Unhealthy
ktt mod diet is killing you
praying for you BM
Why no interest?
Based on everything ive read its just a bunch of slow boring songs and nothin like apt
ktt mod diet is killing you
praying for you BM
Banger avi again
How does he keep doing it folks
No, but for real, listening to 'Introspective' particularly has changed my life for the better, twinkle, luv.
Music for the Masses is up there too
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BMI Score: 19.6
Your BMI is 19.6, which means you are classified as Normal Weight…
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never finished started/finished the very last season
might have to rewatch the whole thing one day
Bojack horseman ending didn't even hit me at first
Then like a week later I thought of the whole show as a package
And it was like "oh huh I guess that was pretty soul crushing"
BMI Score: 19.6
Your BMI is 19.6, which means you are classified as Normal Weight…
calories per day
twink allegations have officially been beat.
BMI Score: 19.6
Your BMI is 19.6, which means you are classified as Normal Weight…
calories per day
I may have just outed myself as an ultimate twink here.
Based on everything ive read its just a bunch of slow boring songs and nothin like apt