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    2 replies


    Who the lady

  • Huge ET fan

    kys retard

  • Br00ses 🐣
    3 replies

    South Park review so far

    Cartman gets an a*** probe - bad. Not funny

    Volcano - mid. Couple funny parts like the guy with the voice box

    Weight gain 4000 - bad. Not funny. Idk who the Kathy person is

    Big gay als big gay boat ride - alright. Kinda funny. The pip helmet bit and the gay dog were funny

    An elephant makes love to a pig - bad not funny

    Death - good. The grandpa trying to force Stan to kill him is funny. The breaking the 4th wall to make fun of people complaining about South Park was also funny

    Pink eye - alright. Cartman costume bit was funny. Chef turning into zombie MJ was funny

  • XCX Spice

    he not better than doja cat

  • ·
    1 reply

    Who the lady

    how can u be so sure its a lady

  • ·
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    i was meant to go to dinner with my girl tomorrow night but she has to cover a shift

    no s***for at least 2 more days

    Atleast you getting s***now lmao

  • Br00ses

    South Park review so far

    Cartman gets an a*** probe - bad. Not funny

    Volcano - mid. Couple funny parts like the guy with the voice box

    Weight gain 4000 - bad. Not funny. Idk who the Kathy person is

    Big gay als big gay boat ride - alright. Kinda funny. The pip helmet bit and the gay dog were funny

    An elephant makes love to a pig - bad not funny

    Death - good. The grandpa trying to force Stan to kill him is funny. The breaking the 4th wall to make fun of people complaining about South Park was also funny

    Pink eye - alright. Cartman costume bit was funny. Chef turning into zombie MJ was funny

  • ·
    1 reply
    XCX Spice

    bro wants to be the only future stan itt

    Need everyone itt to be a future stan

    If u not f***ing with him i will go crazy go stupid

  • XCX Spice

    how can u be so sure its a lady

  • you should all follow jesus. No s***before marriage

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    1 reply

    Need everyone itt to be a future stan

    If u not f***ing with him i will go crazy go stupid

    f*** future

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    i genuinely hope your mom leave you homeless!

    This is what bridges were built for

    Never becoming homeless


    This is what bridges were built for

    Never becoming homeless

    to cross bodies of water?


    This is what bridges were built for

    Never becoming homeless


  • ·
    3 replies
    Camille Golightly

    i was meant to go to dinner with my girl tomorrow night but she has to cover a shift

    no s***for at least 2 more days

    F*** her in the bathroom during her shift if you a true romantic

  • XCX Spice

    f*** future

    If camille said this i would think its a diss

    But coming from u i know u tryna get him to put his COCK in ur ASS

  • ·
    1 reply

    Atleast you getting s***now lmao

    if i didn't fall asleep by midnight every night we would've been cooking and still seen each other

  • Huge bmass Fan

    F*** her in the bathroom during her shift if you a true romantic

    back of toys r us - nav

  • Purrp 🌚

    Who the lady

    Homegirl :/

    I wish it was my wife (not her I meant in general I wish it was my wife coming)

  • Br00ses 🐣
    2 replies

    My biggest criticism is that like

    They show little pieces of being genuinely clever and funny

    But then it's mostly just 30 minutes of toilet humor with nothing other than that to the jokes

  • ·
    1 reply

    My biggest criticism is that like

    They show little pieces of being genuinely clever and funny

    But then it's mostly just 30 minutes of toilet humor with nothing other than that to the jokes

    they have to cook an entire episode every week or sum

  • Huge bmass Fan

    F*** her in the bathroom during her shift if you a true romantic

    having s***in a hospital seems so crazy i might need this

    i told her she should leave her uniform on next time

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    This is ur best written post today

    Not perfect but just few details

    La traducción a second gues:

    "Entonces dudo" question myself

    "Entonces no estoy seguro" im not sure about it

    (For a more literal english translation)

    Voy a ganar en momentos

  • ·
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    if i didn't fall asleep by midnight every night we would've been cooking and still seen each other

    You were up in the thread till 4am for like 3 years and now you going to sleep at midnight

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    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    i was meant to go to dinner with my girl tomorrow night but she has to cover a shift

    no s***for at least 2 more days

    Dont say u will fap during those days if u dont want Weasly to call ur hand close gripped