  • Br00ses

    My biggest criticism is that like

    They show little pieces of being genuinely clever and funny

    But then it's mostly just 30 minutes of toilet humor with nothing other than that to the jokes

    that's only season 1 and 2 everything from 3 onwards is actually clever and good writing, they got better once people complained about the toilet humor

  • ·
    2 replies

    Car has a bad death wobble just do it already god

  • XCX Spice

    they have to cook an entire episode every week or sum

    Sure but I would almost prefer for them to have less jokes

    Than to just like force as many unfunny jokes into every episode instead of just focusing on the clever ones

  • ·
    2 replies

    South Park review so far

    Cartman gets an a*** probe - bad. Not funny

    Volcano - mid. Couple funny parts like the guy with the voice box

    Weight gain 4000 - bad. Not funny. Idk who the Kathy person is

    Big gay als big gay boat ride - alright. Kinda funny. The pip helmet bit and the gay dog were funny

    An elephant makes love to a pig - bad not funny

    Death - good. The grandpa trying to force Stan to kill him is funny. The breaking the 4th wall to make fun of people complaining about South Park was also funny

    Pink eye - alright. Cartman costume bit was funny. Chef turning into zombie MJ was funny

    Honestly I'd just start at season 5

  • ·
    1 reply

    You need me to get that s*** together
    So we can get together
    You need me to get that s*** together
    So we can get together

  • ·
    1 reply

    Voy a ganar en momentos

    Felicitaciones por el sexo

    Ojala tu pene se moje y la chica te haga pegging

  • ·
    1 reply
    Huge bmass Fan

    F*** her in the bathroom during her shift if you a true romantic

    When the homeless guy walks in for another massacre on the walls

  • ·
    1 reply

    You need me to get that s*** together
    So we can get together
    You need me to get that s*** together
    So we can get together

    More life

  • fuego 🔥
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    Car has a bad death wobble just do it already god

    wym, prolly just need an alignment

  • ·
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    Honestly I'd just start at season 5


  • Huge bmass Fan

    You were up in the thread till 4am for like 3 years and now you going to sleep at midnight

    getting my sleep schedule fixed has done wonders for my day to day mood and health

  • XCX Spice

    More life

    need jorja to sit on my face

  • Huge ET fan



  • Br00ses 🐣
    2 replies
    Beautiful Morning

    Honestly I'd just start at season 5

    That's cheating

    That's like acting like Simpsons after the 90s just doesn't exist

  • ·
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    Car has a bad death wobble just do it already god

    Tf is a death wobble


    When the homeless guy walks in for another massacre on the walls

  • U mean hydrolics?

  • Br00ses

    That's cheating

    That's like acting like Simpsons after the 90s just doesn't exist

    Im proud of you for not giving in


    Dont say u will fap during those days if u dont want Weasly to call ur hand close gripped

  • ·
    3 replies

    Tf is a death wobble

    Car shakes violently barely able to hold on to steering wheel

  • ·
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    Car shakes violently barely able to hold on to steering wheel

    all the time?

  • frenchpress

    all the time?

    Every time I go above 50

  • Beautiful Morning

    Car shakes violently barely able to hold on to steering wheel

  • Br00ses

    That's cheating

    That's like acting like Simpsons after the 90s just doesn't exist

    prolly will make u appreciate the later seasons more too

  • ·
    2 replies

    wym, prolly just need an alignment

    Bro I need new struts