Idk if I can judge too hard because I still eat hot sauce sandwiches sometimes
not even logging this in my food to user database, too gross
Toasted bread tastes good on its own, add hot sauce and it’s a journey
suck my d***
camille only fw boneless wings cuz hes broke
Bro he’s the 2nd richest one in this thread
Do you think Kraft is the only one who makes American Cheese?
Not at all there are so so many generic brands that make it too
Not at all there are so so many generic brands that make it too
camille only fw boneless wings cuz hes broke
lost all my money on #bullblitz
Nahhh Yu crazy
Tell em @early @op @SwilloLoubeaux
Word this nigga never had a proper sandwich that included egg
Not at all there are so so many generic brands that make it too
You guys planned this
ketchup on eggs is so stupid
Maybe if it was just eggs and ketchup I understand. But a sandwich can get busy
Bro pocket watching
Some people get they funny up
Some people get they money up
Some people do neither
American cheese is gross
Word this nigga never had a proper sandwich that included egg
brah cap. why tf would i put ketchup on that. ketchup ruins the essence of eggs
American cheese is gross
Some people get they funny up
Some people get they money up
Some people do neither
Like kodak
ketchup on eggs is so stupid
ketchup on scrambled eggs >>>
My mom used to eat ketchup sandwiches and it made me feel horrible just watching
ive eaten some mustard sandwiches during my life ngl. a long time ago though
what about grilled cheesr
It's a lot better wit different cheese
Only American cheese I recognize is cheese whiz, nothing like a spray or two right in your mouth
brah cap. why tf would i put ketchup on that. ketchup ruins the essence of eggs
You wylin stylin
Only American cheese I recognize is cheese whiz, nothing like a spray or two right in your mouth
bro thinks he lives in a goofy movie
does this scare you