oh uzi
omg im one song away from Charge them hoes a fee
frosty flake
tony tiger
oh uzi
There's one song where it's just a whole Uzi song
Carti doesn't rap a word on it
i wonder if i will think its better than any of the other 3
There's one song where it's just a whole Uzi song
Carti doesn't rap a word on it
is it good atleast
is it good atleast
Yeah I thought so
There's one song where it's just a whole Uzi song
Carti doesn't rap a word on it
like a tyler the creator lil wayne interlude
trying not to think about the mixing on new carti album
but Trim is testing me
trying not to think about the mixing on new carti album
but Trim is testing me
issa mixtapepluto leftover
gooooo future GOOOOO
issa mixtapepluto leftover
hes snappin
trying not to think about the mixing on new carti album
but Trim is testing me
Vocal layer on back door for Kendrick is actually quite nice
When it’s him and the lady voice
Te lo ganaste
Nunca nadie insulta a HNDRXX y sale vivo
Vocal layer on back door for Kendrick is actually quite nice
When it’s him and the lady voice
Rumor is maybe not @Prince
i saw someone posted credits of the song on twitter
cocaine nose beat is exactly what i need to hear carti on
u do coke?
y not
He's already hyper
y not
not my vibe