  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    im not even 10 songs in

    maybe it ends up in the lower half in my ranking

    It's bad man!!

  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    Carti album with Kendrick Weeknd and Travis features

    Et freaking album

    Music still sucks @YungPapi

  • ·
    1 reply

    great album!

  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    great album!

    It's good still but Carti needs better taste in collabs

  • Br00ses

    It's bad man!!

    u not trim

  • ·
    1 reply

    It's good still but Carti needs better taste in collabs

    who would u have picked instead

  • ·
    1 reply

    Leak culture and demoitis is literal cancer to music

  • ·
    1 reply
    Huge bmass Fan

    Leak culture and demoitis is literal cancer to music

    Why are u saying this


    Why are u saying this

    Cuz of Carti ppl

  • Nort 💫

    ok time to finish MUSIC

  • ·
    1 reply

    Carti > Kendrick on backdoor

  • Purrp 🌚

    Carti album with Kendrick Weeknd and Travis features

    Et freaking album

    Music still sucks @YungPapi


  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Carti > Kendrick on backdoor

    Low low low low low IQ opinion

    Baja Baja Baja Baja Baja IQ opinión

  • Nort 💫

    i seeeeee you baby boi

  • ·
    2 replies

    Low low low low low IQ opinion

    Baja Baja Baja Baja Baja IQ opinión

    Imaginame decir que tengo el IQ bajo cuando tuviste que escribir el post en dos idiomas

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    wake up f1thy

  • Br00ses 🐣
    2 replies

    who would u have picked instead

    Skepta and future and thug and Uzi are still fine

    Chief keef, Wayne, yb, bladee, doja, etc all would have been more fun than Weeknd Travis and Kendrick

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    wake up f1thy

    “straight up”

  • Nort

    “straight up”

    not in this b**** by myself, but i'm Bi myself

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Imaginame decir que tengo el IQ bajo cuando tuviste que escribir el post en dos idiomas

    Como puedes decir eso sobre mi…

  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    He went with the generic a lister rap album feature pack and it doesn't compliment him...

  • Br00ses

    He went with the generic a lister rap album feature pack and it doesn't compliment him...

    i do generally like the solo songs more

  • Nort 💫


  • Br00ses

    Skepta and future and thug and Uzi are still fine

    Chief keef, Wayne, yb, bladee, doja, etc all would have been more fun than Weeknd Travis and Kendrick

    imagine Wayne on Radar

  • Br00ses

    Skepta and future and thug and Uzi are still fine

    Chief keef, Wayne, yb, bladee, doja, etc all would have been more fun than Weeknd Travis and Kendrick

    Kodak too that would have been cool