Most positive nigga I ever met
I can’t tell if she unfollowed, blocked or deleted her account
thats a block
thats a block
He got wilt chamberlained
Till I got lockjaw.
though i despise you vegans with every ounce of my soul i must say that since introducing veggies to my everyday diet i have been going super ham
though i despise you vegans with every ounce of my soul i must say that since introducing veggies to my everyday diet i have been going super ham
Why do you despise me for not wanting to take advantage of animals?
What vegan hurt bro
Also am vegetarian
thats a block
I checked using my finsta and the same thing displays - like her profile will come up in search but when I click on it it’s saying there is no profile
I didn’t say one word to her
I think you are right though you always are
Why do you despise me for not wanting to take advantage of animals?
i encourage you to see the positivity in my post
Why after work tho es
Imagine going to a job you hate busting your ass first nawwww
Redacted for bad jokie joke
imagine taking away the food source from the animals so they die slowly instead of just being butchered
imagine taking away the food source from the animals so they die slowly instead of just being butchered
What the f*** are you talking about
What the f*** are you talking about
animals eat grass and vegetables etc to survive
who will moderate the moderators?
Scott. Best of luck
fp for mod mod
fp for mod mod
Here here
animals eat grass and vegetables etc to survive