frank leftover from the abandoned blonde follow-up
I’ll never let that description go lmao
The plucks of strings on this very casually are fire
imagine drinking crapacinno
Poopy juice
imagine drinking crapacinno
F*** you b****
I hate coffee but I dont appreciate your sour ass attitude at all.
The guitar on this reminds me of like new wave kinda but also a lil Bowie Eno era
So Eno’s work with Fripps
Complete compliment
this aint your grandmas beach house
s*** gets scary around the 7
Alex highkey flexing on that gatar rn
Black Car is my fav song on the album I think…
S*** bout to get so real
now we’re in Kid A territory
I skipped a rock…
Space reggae
holy canoli man
this aint your grandmas beach house
s*** gets scary around the 7
7 lowkey going up my rank this past week
7 lowkey going up my rank this past week
this is easily top 2 for me
maybe 1 when its over
I skipped a rock…
And fell too farrrr
this is easily top 2 for me
maybe 1 when its over
That stretch of songs and sequencing is amazing
I like the next few songs but Imo it loses all the momentum we just came from
That stretch of songs and sequencing is amazing
I like the next few songs but Imo it loses all the momentum we just came from
lose your smile starting off promising tho
F*** you b****
I hate coffee but I dont appreciate your sour ass attitude at all.
i pop caffeine pills coffee is disgusting
Lose your smile a dope song but iirc from here on it’s kinda whatever
lose your smile starting off promising tho
Just slows down is all
distorted bass
Just slows down is all
im vibin rn