two of us is cool but im not crazy for it
I like it
It’s a cute 7/10 type song. Just goes to show how strong John and Paul’s chemistry was because it’s the only thing that saves the song from being totally meh. They were smart to make it a duet.
I like it
It’s a cute 7/10 type song. Just goes to show how strong John and Paul’s chemistry was because it’s the only thing that saves the song from being totally meh. They were smart to make it a duet.
ya, I don’t have anything super negative to say about it
just not something im going out of my way to hear that often
Hating on Blue Jay Way
ya, I don’t have anything super negative to say about it
just not something im going out of my way to hear that often
We locked in
We locked in
apply that post to I’ve Got a Feeling too
I don’t hate on flying either
apply that post to I’ve Got a Feeling too
Can’t agree there
Although I think I prefer the OG I Got A Feeling. Paul’s vocal take is a little too clean here to me. I like how rough and dirty his voice gets in the OG one.
Can’t agree there
Although I think I prefer the OG I Got A Feeling. Paul’s vocal take is a little too clean here to me. I like how rough and dirty his voice gets in the OG one.
Paul is chewing this instrumental up for sure just the song itself doesn’t do much for me yano
I don’t hate on flying either
I don’t hate Flying either
But it’s the weakest one of the first 6
Paul is chewing this instrumental up for sure just the song itself doesn’t do much for me yano
Not whimsical enough
I Got A Feeling is great
Definitely one of the stronger ones from these sessions
Not whimsical enough
really missing maxwells hammer right now
you’re sexy as hell for this
909 also whatever to me but not bad
you’re sexy as hell for this
thx papi
this is why youre the most whimsical white boi itt
to all other white bois itt, you're great too but not whimsical!