  • ·
    1 reply

    For You Blue got the cool guitar taps but idk the song is a bit mid by Beatle standards I feel

    Song is hard but compared to Something or While My Guitar Gently Weeps, it’s not one of the better ones.

  • Purrp 🌚

    Great Beatles lore is discovering the rest of them didn’t like Pepper much and it was mostly Paul’s baby

    Makes complete and total sense lmao

  • ·
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    Someone convince me not to go all in on tsla calls

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply
    Huge bmass Fan

    Someone convince me not to go all in on tsla calls



    Legit one of the greatest songs ever

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply
    Huge ET Fan

    I dont think so

    there's a lot of whimsy in MMT

    maybe u just really like sgt

    it used to be top 3 for me but now idk if it's top 5... will need to revisit it surely

    I’m reminded of Blue Jay Way and how I can’t rate MMT over Pepper because of that song.

  • rvi 🐸
    Huge ET Fan

    white album moved up in my rankings ngl

    The real #1

  • ·
    2 replies

    I’m reminded of Blue Jay Way and how I can’t rate MMT over Pepper because of that song.

    Hating on Blue Jay Way

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    Song is hard but compared to Something or While My Guitar Gently Weeps, it’s not one of the better ones.

    now long and winding road is One Of Them Ones

  • Nort 💫
    2 replies

    Hating on Blue Jay Way

    just sorta “meh alright” to me

  • ·
    1 reply

    just sorta “meh alright” to me

    Crazy take tbh but to each it’s own

    S*** was way ahead of it’s time

  • rvi 🐸
    2 replies

    I think Sgt Pepper is victim of the same phenomenon that often faces MBDTF.

    It’s a clear classic but it’s not an interesting choice for their best album so after awhile people start downrating it.. and I don’t think thats right.

    not saying thats you but I think a lot of people are guilty of this

    It's also hard for people to appreciate how groundbreaking Sgt pepper was as time goes on

    Legit has a strong argument for most important album in history

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    Crazy take tbh but to each it’s own

    S*** was way ahead of it’s time

    i might be thinking of Flying

    which one is the instrumental

  • ·
    2 replies

    now long and winding road is One Of Them Ones

    Non orchestra version >>>>>>>>

    The simplicity of it is what makes it such a moving song. The strings is corny af

    @Camille knows this is facts

  • Nort 💫

    It's also hard for people to appreciate how groundbreaking Sgt pepper was as time goes on

    Legit has a strong argument for most important album in history

    pepper boys.. we have a narrative to spread

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    Non orchestra version >>>>>>>>

    The simplicity of it is what makes it such a moving song. The strings is corny af

    @Camille knows this is facts

    the song is so strong to me that I like both

  • Nort 💫

    dont like baby you’re a rich man either

  • Nort

    i might be thinking of Flying

    which one is the instrumental

    Yeah that’s the instrumental

    Flying is just cool

    Blue Jay Way is the George song

  • How u gon talk to my mom about our date but won't hit me back for a following one

  • ·
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    the song is so strong to me that I like both

    I’m a big hater of the strings version so don’t mind me

  • ·
    1 reply

    just sorta “meh alright” to me

    I think you're onto something

  • rvi

    It's also hard for people to appreciate how groundbreaking Sgt pepper was as time goes on

    Legit has a strong argument for most important album in history

    I know it’s important and that’s why I said objectively it’s a classic

    But just like @YungPapi, I just don’t enjoy listening to it as much. There’s songs I really like but as an overall album….eh.

  • Nort 💫

    I’m a big hater of the strings version so don’t mind me

    only phil specter version i remember preferring is the title track

  • Huge ET Fan

    I think you're onto something

    He’s talking about Flying not Blue Jay Way

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    two of us is cool but im not crazy for it