bro typing hella spoilers while driving goat
Loss of life criminally underrated album
I never got around to peep, I'm not that into mgmt ngl
Didn't like little dark age even tho I have always liked the earlier stuff
Little dark age man. S***. The last one you need to listen again
feels nortcore but idk man hasn’t hit yet..
That’s your queen settle down
i have never glazed sabrina carpenter in the history of this thread ever r u slow
@Camille and @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII going crazy y
I need that.
Idk why you sent that image but I like that
I need that.
Idk why you sent that image but I like that
She makes me feel gayer than ever.
i have never glazed sabrina carpenter in the history of this thread ever r u slow
Woman mid music
Was just putting 2 and 2 together
that judas priest album wasnt bad but ill never forget when camille flamed me
Woman mid music
Was just putting 2 and 2 together
I wanna feature all pop girlies so I have the strongest fandom
i wanna insert my p**** inside of my popstar agenda
sweet and sour got pop classics
I never got around to peep, I'm not that into mgmt ngl
Didn't like little dark age even tho I have always liked the earlier stuff
Loss of life is really good. Textured production, cool song progressions
It’s very not conventional in song structure
sweet and sour got pop classics
sweet and short? idk
Does that require it being thrown in my face almost every day
u throw it in ktt2 users faces every day
feels nortcore but idk man hasn’t hit yet..
… peep the song little dark age…
sweet and short? idk
Some classics
@YungPapi what’s your fav cudi song in the last 4 years