!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMPW3AvBf_oSloppy Toppy too
sloppy toppy beat is so bad and has aged legitimately terribly, sounds like trash but the verses and hook are all undeniable and still save it
u an angel papi?
Obviously Drake is the goat
did kanye really call future wasted. I hope he d!es
He dissing everyone rn
@Bruises @sizz @Hndrxx_Free @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @op @davey @crakc
He talking s*** about Future now
Maybe this is how people felt about him twitting nazi s***
Obviously Drake is the goat
He dissing everyone rn
he needs to shut the f*** up
kanye said f*** kendrick and palestine and wesley has blacked out ever since
Song is incredible in the context of the album
Bad single imo but man
U was hating on it and saying album was gonna be mid ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐๐๐
kanye said f*** kendrick and palestine and wesley has blacked out ever since
Kendrick didnโt even get it the worst compared to Drake
U was hating on it and saying album was gonna be mid ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐๐๐
Kendrick didnโt even get it the worst compared to Drake
Well nobody cares because he deserves it
yitler too real๐ฆ๐ฆ
The goat speaks
https://twitter.com/gussyyy/status/1901770932378574903fat b****es
Well nobody cares because he deserves it
I think all these artists are just minding their business and Kanye just really wants someone to give him some attention
charge them heaux a fee
I think all these artists are just minding their business and Kanye just really wants someone to give him some attention
I just meant from the pov of forum users
I donโt think anyone irl cares
Kendrick didnโt even get it the worst compared to Drake
he was posting about drake like how ktt was in the beef thread for 6 months but now they're pearl clutching
kanye talking about how he hated not like us has made me feel brave and express myself
i always f***ing hated d**** you should try it, one of the most boring travis songs ever and just complete garbage
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Iโd say this video is age restricted and only available on YouTube