  • rvi 🐸
    Camille Golightly

    what's everyone's main vice itt

    alcohol and food

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    Camille Golightly


    That’s the addiction that runs in my family

    My mom had to sit me down and intervene a couple years ago because I blew through so much

  • rvi

    i knew it was starting to be joever when the music enhancement wasnt even hitting as much

    got so indecisive listening to music high, like i could only pick the PERFECT thing to listen to. and also zoned out not paying that much attention anyway

    so it was kinda like a d*** that only made me hungry, anxious, sleepy yet not even relaxed lol. man what a change from my goated honeymoon era with college friends...

    everything u described is the appeal to me. its my spirit plant

  • Nort 💫
    2 replies


    goth and with big b****

    you know im there

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    its so annoying cuz i desperately want new hobbies but its so easy to just lay there and pull up some good stuff and goon

    i am CRINE

    this is real

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    That’s the addiction that runs in my family

    My mom had to sit me down and intervene a couple years ago because I blew through so much

    the rush you get from gambling is so f***ing crazy

    nothing like it

  • Camille Golightly

    the rush you get from gambling is so f***ing crazy

    nothing like it

    thats when i start losing in stonks

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    goth and with big b****

    you know im there

    bit of cellulite, pasty skin, tacky tattoos, stockings

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    Camille Golightly

    the rush you get from gambling is so f***ing crazy

    nothing like it

    When those $300 sports bets would hit

    My god it was a stronger rush then anything I’ve puffed or drank

  • Purrp 🌚
    2 replies

    i knew it was starting to be joever when the music enhancement wasnt even hitting as much

    got so indecisive listening to music high, like i could only pick the PERFECT thing to listen to. and also zoned out not paying that much attention anyway

    so it was kinda like a d*** that only made me hungry, anxious, sleepy yet not even relaxed lol. man what a change from my goated honeymoon era with college friends...

    Never been more locked in with you man

    At first I smoked recreationally like only one the weekends with my friend then I started smoking a lot alone as a crutch to not deal with some teenage relationship issues and then I just didn’t stop.

    Agree tho it started to be like. I’m spending money to feel anxious, tired and lazy with less benefits lmao weed s***is also overrated imo

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    bit of cellulite, pasty skin, tacky tattoos, stockings

    lose the stockings cant say pasty skin is something i look for either

  • rvi 🐸
    3 replies
    Camille Golightly

    i am CRINE

    this is real

    losing out on years' worth of valuable hobbies and interpersonal relationships in exchange for tons of hours high and/or gooning

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    ¿Cual es tu @?

    What’s yours (I’ll actually follow you)

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply


    Didn’t know you were hip

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    wait what.... Lipton Ice Tea with Peach is getting discontinued....

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    Never been more locked in with you man

    At first I smoked recreationally like only one the weekends with my friend then I started smoking a lot alone as a crutch to not deal with some teenage relationship issues and then I just didn’t stop.

    Agree tho it started to be like. I’m spending money to feel anxious, tired and lazy with less benefits lmao weed s***is also overrated imo

    if u smoke weed to escape then thats a u issue not a weed issue

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    goth and with big b****

    you know im there

    Surprised you ain’t know her

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    2 replies

    What’s yours (I’ll actually follow you)


  • Nort 💫

    Surprised you ain’t know her

    no no i do i do

  • rvi

    losing out on years' worth of valuable hobbies and interpersonal relationships in exchange for tons of hours high and/or gooning

    people naturally suck and r fake

    mary jane never let me down

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  • Purrp 🌚
    2 replies

    lose the stockings cant say pasty skin is something i look for either

    She did a Velma cosplay…. Brother

  • why did carti have to do this to H00DBYAIR man

  • Purrp

    Didn’t know you were hip

    im arguably the #1 gooner in vz history