hi friends
it's your fave ktt2 mod in the making
making this thread to start the tv and film vz
im your captain and say hi to your board membas @early @Uhhhhhh @sace @humey @Prez @Extraterrestrial
board membas demoted unilaterally by the council because of lack of participation
@Mac_Wit_Da_Cheese @twinkletoez @twitch @mjpplus
if you are interested and wanna participate let me know and i'll add you to the vz squad below .
@ruckus thanks for the logo
@Uhhhhhh - 1
@Prez - 1
@malediction - 1
@early - 1
@Extraterrestrial - 1
@Extraterrestrial - X2
Martin Scorsese VZ Francis Ford Coppola
@Uhhhhhh VZ @humey
Leonardo DiCaprio VZ Tom Hanks
@Prez VZ @Extraterrestrial
Christopher Nolan VZ Quentin Tarantino
@bMass28 VZ @malediction
Robin Williams VZ Eddie Murphy
@Extraterrestrial VZ @early
Kevin hart vz Jonah Hill
@early vz @Extraterrestrial
David Cronenberg vz David Lynch
@humey vz @FlyHiii
Neon vz A24 (Friday 03/29)
@SOLARIS vz @twitch
Steven Spielberg VZ Stanley Kubrick hosted by @early
@SwilloLoubeaux VZ @Marble
Paramount vz Universal vz Warner bros (Wednesday 04/03) hosted by @Hndrxx_Free
@Uhhhhhh @Prez vz @early
Brackets/Rumble and Decades in the works
vz squad
@mac_wit_da_cheese @Extraterrestrial @ruckus @Bruises @Prez @Hndrxx_Free @Uhhhhhh @frenchpress @bMass28 @SwilloLoubeaux
@YungPapi @Mmm_Hmm @sace @early @Valentine @WaltDisneyOG @danny @mjpplus @human13 @Rockman
@delon @goaheadmrjoestar @malediction @Marble @Fries @Miltdawg @Everest @SOLARIS @PADYBU @atthepyramids
@kfa @edumist @bruises @vibe @fragileoil_ @margielababy @knightmareleague @jenkem @mace @nylon
@cartier @moonchaser @sufi @mictlan @bnballintoo @cody @moneycristo @johan_devito @ragedsycokiller @nightingalexo
@danny @maxx @jollofraids @kodakspice @yungpapi @rockman @cutiepiehole @solipsist @ruckus
@lil_ufo @dankmustard_mobile @tokintargaryen @hoochieandgucci @trap_a_holic @smoochie @interstellarflyin2 @ganger @elric @bad_finger_boogie
@blueface @ilgnd @yandhi @realtalkmynigga0 @rapgod911 @billyrockets @rickon @trilla @frog @embezzle
@swilloloubeaux @logula @atthepyramids @anti @saveme @misfit @jave @washington @numeroocho @aight
@noir @jonboi @tuxedomask @vietbrah @heyfella @demo @rastafire @sab @kr0niic @soupvillain @ifeelterrific
@ds2 @strictlysyrup @vox @bandz @ghosting @blackslug @bazooe @bvl @twitch @anna
@fries @neonbuddy @santi @shadow2 @eleganza @scott @arrrg @thebham @hmm @fifty950
@rxserpico @p_p @Barcelona @jesusglock @be2 @solaris @hayabusa @innuendo @tupacarti
@passing_the_time @giorno_giovanna @wesim @bo_ceephus @beach_kneega @everest @formic @moneydragon @greedyfatape @pushin
@thelostboy @garetare @orangutan @nobodywins @very_based @oblivion @xanman86 @dutchye @padybu @victorious_korea
@ava_yeezy @drogon_ @jaerell @fellivarda @bane @proper @riffwanker @rise_zero @kev @pussy_bacon
@lujo @koala @melz @bgfx @drjdeponytail @ysl @basedspirit @kogoyos @prada @campari
@tha7osavage @goaheadmrjoestar @twinkletoez @sonyomom @flootures @rasie @william1738 @xantaclaus @beflygelt @mjpplus
@yuzzy @nightman @delon @elvis @suzuki @antidote @aruji @marble @thankmelater @malediction
a cute example
movie for movie who yall got
my african cudi brothers
ideas so far
leo vz tom hanks
nolan vz villeneuve
john wick vz jason bourne or fight scene vz fight scene
disney vz nickledeon
marvel vz dc
mare of eastown vz the undoing
hbo vz showtime
a24 vz blumhouse
franchise vz franchise
pacino vs de niro
roman polanski vz woody allen
michael mann vz michael bay
cbs vz abc vz nbc
msnbc vz fox news
scorsese vs spielberg
martin scorsese vz ari aster
leo vz brad pitt
leo vz matt damon
tarantino vz scorsese
leo vz bale
breaking bad vz ozark (wendy vz skylar)
universal vz warner bros
max vz netflix
fight scene royal rumble
Ridley Scott vz Tony Scott
reality tv
WKW vz Tsai
Hsien vz Yang
animated movies VZ
pixar vz dreamworks
pixar vs disney
movie shootouts
a24 vz neon
De Palma vz Spielberg
Michael Mann vz WKW
Carpenter vz Cronenberg
Godard vz Kurosawa
Altman vz Lumet
Tarkovsky vz Antonioni
Pakula vz Friedkin
Coens vz Spielberg
David Fincher vz Paul Thomas Anderson
Abel Ferrara VZ Paul Schrader
Brian De Palma vz Spielberg
Spielberg vs Kubrick
PTA vz Tarantino
Altman vz Lumet
spike lee vz john singleton
disney vz universal vz warner bros
Kurosawa vs Bergman
Fast and Furious vs Transformers
universal vz disney
Von trier v Noe
Pixar vz Ghibli
Jim Carrey vs Marlon Wayans
Michael Bay vz David Lynch
Zach Snyder vs Paul WS Anderson
seth rogen vz ben stiller
will Smith vz denzel Washington
spike lee vz john singleton
@​YungPapi idea
basically style one match up like some of the brackets we’ve had in film and G&Ghave each round be 24 hours run a director match up for like 7 irl days ish. For example like Nolan Vz Tarintino for a week. Leave the first movie match up for a day or if it’s a blow out call it early but that’ll leave hella time for people to discuss and have more engagement from the film sxn
It’s hard to explain but I think it would work in practice. Anyway I’m down to be the OP/ host of that if y’all are down to give it a try
@bMass28 wants to rep as Nolan
@twitch wants to rep Rachel Sernott
@fries wants to rep Pacino
ebiv also wants to rep tarantino
@SwilloLoubeaux wants to rep pixar or disney
@prez wants to rep Leo
@SOLARIS wants to rep neon
@Jonboi wants to rep the coen brothers and PTA
@sace wants to rep michael mann
@Extraterrestrial wants to rep jamie kennedy
@WT777 wants to rep paul WS anderson
@early wants to rep spike lee
@malediction wants to rep Tarantino
@Extraterrestrial wants to rep robin williams
@early wants to rep fine ass nicole murphy's ex husband
@prez wants to rep universal against disney
@marble wants to rep kubrick
@marble is banned from repping or hosting. so disappointing 76
how would this even work
Director for Director
Franchise for Franchise
Actor for actor
Mod in the making
speaking it into existence
how would this even work
lol idk we gon have to try and see if it works
preciate the support prezo
how would this even work
can't wait until they pair polanski with someone and a 100 page debate ensues because of the separate the artist fraction vs the he shouldn't be included fraction which will ultimately get the thread killed
Director for Director
Franchise for Franchise
Actor for actor
i got mjp support im never going to hell
can't wait until they pair polanski with someone and a 100 page debate ensues because of the separate the artist fraction vs the he shouldn't be included fraction which will ultimately get the thread killed
lets get this s***
my african cudi brothers
@Valentine @WaltDisneyOG
ideas so far
leo vz tom hanks
nolan vz villeneuve
john wick vz jason bourne or fight scene vz fight scene
disney vz nickledeon
marvel vz dc
mare of eastown vz the undoing
hbo vz showtime
a24 vz blumhouse
franchise vz franchise
pacino vs de niro
roman polanski vz woody allen
michael mann vz michael bay
cbs vz abc vz nbc
msnbc vz fox news
scorsese vs spielberg
martin scorsese vz ari aster
leo vz brad pitt
leo vz matt damon
tarantino vz scorsese
leo vz bale
breaking bad vz ozark (wendy vz skylar)
universal vz warner bros
max vz netflix
fight scene royal rumble
Ridley Scott vz Tony Scott
reality tv
WKW vz Tsai
Hsien vz Yang
animated movies VZ
pixar vz dreamworks
pixar vs disney
movie shootouts
a24 vz neon
De Palma vz Spielberg
Michael Mann vz WKW
Carpenter vz Cronenberg
Godard vz Kurosawa
Altman vz Lumet
Tarkovsky vz Antonioni
Pakula vz Friedkin
Coens vz Spielberg
David Fincher vz Paul Thomas Anderson
Abel Ferrara VZ Paul Schrader
Brian De Palma vz Spielberg
Spielberg vs Kubrick
PTA vz Tarantino
Altman vz Lumet
spike lee vz john singleton
disney vz universal vz warner bros
Kurosawa vs Bergman
Fast and Furious vs Transformers
universal vz disney
Von trier v Noe
Pixar vz Ghibli
Jim Carrey vs Marlon Wayans
Michael Bay vz David Lynch
Zach Snyder vs Paul WS Anderson
seth rogen vz ben stiller
will Smith vz denzel Washington
spike lee vz john singleton
@​YungPapi idea
basically style one match up like some of the brackets we’ve had in film and G&Ghave each round be 24 hours run a director match up for like 7 irl days ish. For example like Nolan Vz Tarintino for a week. Leave the first movie match up for a day or if it’s a blow out call it early but that’ll leave hella time for people to discuss and have more engagement from the film sxn
It’s hard to explain but I think it would work in practice. Anyway I’m down to be the OP/ host of that if y’all are down to give it a try
Omg you know I’m white right!!! but we are brothers nonetheless!!!
Director for Director
Franchise for Franchise
Actor for actor
hmm Actor for actor is the most viable imo the others wouldn’t garner that much investment (in a general sense)
preciate the support prezo
I wanna rep in the Pacino vs De Niro match
also it's f*** the vz thread in music sxn
bunch of pussies and a******s
I wanna rep in the Pacino vs De Niro match
i like this. who you wanna be
All of Us Strangers dropped. Time to watch the priest from Fleabag and the guy from Aftersun f***
Omg you know I’m white right!!! but we are brothers nonetheless!!!
all white people came from africa
i like this. who you wanna be
I could go either way. I think De Niro is the favorite but I wouldn’t mind underdogging it with Al
can't wait until they pair polanski with someone and a 100 page debate ensues because of the separate the artist fraction vs the he shouldn't be included fraction which will ultimately get the thread killed
just wait till they make you rep delon
hmm Actor for actor is the most viable imo the others wouldn’t garner that much investment (in a general sense)
i think if we doing actor vz actor we would choose movies they've been in. don't see why we couldn't do that for directors too.
what u think