all white people came from africa
just wait till they make you rep delon
my defense when they claim that he put out a hit on a guy with his alleged mob ties (non-doctored photo)
i think if we doing actor vz actor we would choose movies they've been in. don't see why we couldn't do that for directors too.
what u think
I think people don’t know directors like that besides the big boys for it to be that fun, with actors more of the site in general would get involved
msnbc vz fox news
i think the network battle would be a great match although i wonder if NBC would be the heavy favorite
Roman Polanski VZ Woody Allen
having seen almost every Polanski movie
I don't watch pedo Woody like that
i think the network battle would be a great match although i wonder if NBC would be the heavy favorite
well now youre just being silly because that isnt a real vz match
hmm Actor for actor is the most viable imo the others wouldn’t garner that much investment (in a general sense)
Like if we do (for example) Scorsese vs Spielberg
well now youre just being silly because that isnt a real vz match
lol they got good new years specials and 60 minutes and whatever s*** sean be hosting
Leo vs who?
idk who could compete with him
Like if we do (for example) Scorsese vs Spielberg
after like the like 4-5 big ones people know/like it would be critics is what I’m guessing but who knows, I would be down though fs
Leo vs who?
idk who could compete with him
jason mamoa
michael b jordan come to mind
Leo vs who?
idk who could compete with him
Brad would wax him, vast filmog of cool movies
Brad would wax him, vast filmog of cool movies
good call
Leo vs Brad
Leo vs Matt Damon
i think these would both be good