this lowkey racist
@Uhhhhhh come get this eminem stan
Mans been trying to find someone to get merked by spike for months
KTT is weird asf
they liked a straight to DVD movie by kevin hart and was mad when i didnt play it
so when we doing this VZ
im spike
who wanna rep John Singleton against Spike lee
every episode of season 1 of snowfall counts as a movie for John Singleton
who wanna rep John Singleton against Spike lee
every episode of season 1 of snowfall counts as a movie for John Singleton
this lowkey racist
@Uhhhhhh come get this eminem stan
shouting out snoh aalegra just cause
king of modern cinema in this too
i dig it
who you wanna rep
If I was to rep I would rep Will Smith just for the fun of it.
But I really don't have the time to prepare for this
If I was to rep I would rep Will Smith just for the fun of it.
But I really don't have the time to prepare for this
if you wanna do it we can wait on you b***oo
2pm est would be 7 your time that ok?
Also, you cool with me using twin peaks the return? Since Lynch himself calls it a film and says it was made to be seen as a film experience since it isn’t episodic in nature
damn imma be at church at that time.
can you do 6:30 gmt?
7pm GMT brother
7pm GMT brother
Also, you cool with me using twin peaks the return? Since Lynch himself calls it a film and says it was made to be seen as a film experience since it isn’t episodic in nature
I defer to @sace on this it’s whatever…also do not flake or I don’t know when else ill really have time to do this
I defer to @sace on this it’s whatever…also do not flake or I don’t know when else ill really have time to do this
I’m down
7pm GMT brother
just realized we made plans and the the other rep hasn't even agreed lol @SwilloLoubeaux
just realized we made plans and the the other rep hasn't even agreed lol @SwilloLoubeaux
@Marble is scary anyway delay that a week & let me smoke lynch
just realized we made plans and the the other rep hasn't even agreed lol @SwilloLoubeaux
Whenever marble available
When is it planned?
We don’t have a makeup date yet. But since we both itt,
How bout this Sunday 5 PM, EST?
ok im confusing myself
swilo marble got one kubrick spielberg
flyhii humey got one cron and who?
We don’t have a makeup date yet. But since we both itt,
How bout this Sunday 5 PM, EST?
Flyhii humey doing theirs sunday
ok im confusing myself
swilo marble got one kubrick spielberg
flyhii humey got one cron and who?
Flyhii humey doing theirs sunday
Copy, @Marble name any day and I’ll accommodate niggas