dont think i gave 'what made me this way' its props. think it would have gone down as one of his best songs from the bde era if he released it.
really curious about how mac would decide what songs to release as loosies and what he decided to keep in the vault. really feel like he would be like 'nah this is too good they can have it when im gone'. he for sure knew he had some crazy s*** in his vault.
still want that memphis bleek collab and that nas collab
f*** and those songs from the ty dolla collab tape sessions.
honestly his work ethic is only matched by prince i swear.
does anyone know if " I can see" was recorded during TDF because it sounds likes it's from that era... Especially with the Ari back vocals
does anyone know if " I can see" was recorded during TDF because it sounds likes it's from that era... Especially with the Ari back vocals
don't think i've seen anything hinting at that tbh. also lyrically it doesn't seem to be the same place mac was at during TDF. Def seems like a 2017/2018 song. switching locations living in a basement are very swimming era type lyrics to me.
maybe I'll lay down for a little
wish this was released. ID Labs really the cornerstone of Mac
the instrumental was released prior to Mac passing. This would have sounded so clean
wish this was released. ID Labs really the cornerstone of Mac instrumental was released prior to Mac passing. This would have sounded so clean
Damn always had hope this would get released. Didn’t even know the official instrumental came out, still love it
In Kindergarten might be my favorite song of his. Too powerful
Probably one of my favorite leaks for sure
Probably one of my favorite leaks for sure
Shut the front door is probably my favorite Mac leak imo
Probably not. I mean she aired him out on twitter in front of millions. Talking about how she’s tired of trying to help someone that can’t keep their s*** together etc. She doesn’t exactly deserve a reward at all, she wasn’t entirely pleasant post breakup.
Nobody talks about that glad someone brought that up
faces is probably one of the most vulnerable and honest pieces of work I've ever heard. His fears, his regrets, his self hate while he goes crazy living in his home studio.
Just wanted to come in here and talk to Mac fam, weather is warming up here in jersey and was listening to dunno and jet fuel. Swimming holds an unreal special place in my heart. I’ll never forget this man.