Jersey gang it's mad nice out today
Gang gang Mac always gets spins in this weather
salty as a mf its 12 degrees in colorado why do i live here
Legal weed
New leak out now. Leaks has Faces vibes and it was supposed to be on an album he wanted to drop before Faces
New leak out now. Leaks has Faces vibes and it was supposed to be on an album he wanted to drop before Faces
damn thats crazy. album had colors and shapes and the og version of uber without mike jones. interested to hear this.
damn thats crazy. album had colors and shapes and the og version of uber without mike jones. interested to hear this.
Only God and Mac's homies who were in the Sanctuary probably know how many albums Mac actually worked on or even thought about doing
The Song That Changed Everything (feat. SZA)
man these leaks from this album are reaaalllyyy out there man lol
this rough mix of uber really stands out to me for some reason. maybe its just hearing by itself out of context of faces and im finally giving it my full attention without hearing a song before or after it. such a great song.
Broke down listening to hand me downs
Still hvnt processed this s*** man
I legit can’t listen to it it hurts that much
Balloonerism the name of the album btw
2 more leaks from it. Stoned & He Finally Sleeps. very good tracks imo
Interesting sound in the leaks of this supposed album that should've been released before Faces
SO to everybody that are in that 1% on Spotify, R.I.P. Easy Mac
1% of what?
Interesting sound in the leaks of this supposed album that should've been released before Faces
Macs brother did register the name at one point. Maybe this got closer to release than i first thought.
Macs brother did register the name at one point. Maybe this got closer to release than i first thought.
Didn't know that
Really interesting.
The guy/girl on Lthis said he/she got these songs a year ago,right? Of course he/she could be lying but interesting to find out the songs are getting around even when not leaked officially