I personally can't imagine them in studio making a song together lol. Their music so different from each other
To be fair Drake got on Tuesday by makonnen and even made that work. I think they could’ve made something work. Hell, Faces had a Mike Jones feature lmaoo
New TDF era leak
woooowwwww Mac doing a 80's pop synth track. Im loving it
MAJOR prince influence on this from the female back up singer on some lisa and wendy s***. Also that drum pattern, the sound of the clap and where it is layered is straight up prince.
f*** yeah im loving this one.
Great, Another song I have to skip because the s***interlude. didn't know this would become such a big issue for me in my life.
Y'all think Anywhere But Here, Stoned & Waterfalls are about the same girl/recycle the same concept?
@JoyDivision what u thinkin bout this one?
@JoyDivision what u thinkin bout this one?
The outro Is the same that leads to Skin on TDF lol
Song is nice at first listen, but still interesting expirement from Mac
That new leak has got to be a kaytra beat. Beat is hard but his vocals don't really fit with it. Also interesting it has the Stay moaning outro on it
Sometimes I just can’t believe my actual favorite artist passed away so prematurely. It’s hard to accept when it’s someone so genuinely nice and potential through the roof
Sometimes I just can’t believe my actual favorite artist passed away so prematurely. It’s hard to accept when it’s someone so genuinely nice and potential through the roof
Yeah man it hits me in waves still. Knowing he still had so much more to do and give will probably never sit well with me. I try not to dwell on it too much tho. He'll forever exist through audio
@deepsleep liking the 2 new songs?