  • Sep 6, 2022
    1 reply
    Mason Marjella

    having beat block f***ing SUCKS 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

    i recently had it for about 4 months

  • Sep 6, 2022
    3 replies
    Will Fujiwara

    i recently had it for about 4 months

    damn bruh, how’d you overcome it? 4 months long af, i’ve had it for a couple weeks now

  • Sep 6, 2022
    1 reply
    Mason Marjella

    damn bruh, how’d you overcome it? 4 months long af, i’ve had it for a couple weeks now

    i still haven't 100% got out of it

    big thing i did was i focused on one track at a time until finished. my mind was too cluttered

    I couldn't create new ideas because i had all these other unfinished ideas.

    my brain looked like this

    what i was doing before was working on 3 albums at once. terrible mistake. i couldnt decide what to work on so i ultimately didnt work on anything as a result

  • i also got a promotion at work earlier this year so i didnt have much time to work on music.

    s***, this week im workin 7 days straight smh

  • Will Fujiwara

    i still haven't 100% got out of it

    big thing i did was i focused on one track at a time until finished. my mind was too cluttered

    I couldn't create new ideas because i had all these other unfinished ideas.

    my brain looked like this

    what i was doing before was working on 3 albums at once. terrible mistake. i couldnt decide what to work on so i ultimately didnt work on anything as a result

    bro this is the same problem i have, my mind is all over the place when i’m trying to create something, i end up with like 10-15 unfinished ideas, can’t finish a beat to save my life

  • Sep 7, 2022

    pharlight craaazy

  • Sep 7, 2022

    bruh how do people start songs with the bass or drums

    im jus sitting here with this bassline looped like idk what the F*** to do next lmao

    why the f*** am i making indie rock,fuck it im putting trap drumson this s*** fuick the bassline

    s*** actually turned out pretty well lol

  • Sep 8, 2022

    u ever make a beat that sounds racist?

  • Sep 8, 2022
    2 replies

    ay man i just found a rack reverb at salvation army for $15

    from the late 80s but im lit

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply
    Mason Marjella

    damn bruh, how’d you overcome it? 4 months long af, i’ve had it for a couple weeks now

    You don't, you ride the wave. Make as many bad beats as possible. Keep going. Keep going. Learn new things, take up new hobbies, consume new media, learn different ways of producing listen to more music, change your style, continue to make those bad beats. Save em somewhere.

    Honestly if you have beat block tho my best recommendation is to study new purifiers and make beats or music like them and don't try to be original even if it's just blatant copying.

    Beat Blocks happen before major breakthroughs, at least for me anyways

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    ay man i just found a rack reverb at salvation army for $15

    from the late 80s but im lit

    what model is it?
    this is awesome

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply
    1996 BRL

    what model is it?
    this is awesome

    ART multiverb LT

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Sep 9, 2022

    ART multiverb LT

    oh that's fly man
    them rare cheap/free finds are so special

    i came across an old ass rack synth for like 10 bucks and now i always try to find a way to use it on my stuff

  • Sep 10, 2022

    Not made a beat in over 3 months

    I love picking up hobbies over 2 weeks then stopping

  • Sep 10, 2022

    why is this beat so good

    i need to sell this b**** on youtube (fuck that imma record over this s***)

    rt tho i could hear drake on this s*** s/o zenology

  • Sep 10, 2022

    ay man i just found a rack reverb at salvation army for $15

    from the late 80s but im lit


  • Sep 10, 2022
    Mason Marjella

    damn bruh, how’d you overcome it? 4 months long af, i’ve had it for a couple weeks now

    If things are going bad change everything. If things are going well change nothing

  • RXHalfDeadCaliban

    You don't, you ride the wave. Make as many bad beats as possible. Keep going. Keep going. Learn new things, take up new hobbies, consume new media, learn different ways of producing listen to more music, change your style, continue to make those bad beats. Save em somewhere.

    Honestly if you have beat block tho my best recommendation is to study new purifiers and make beats or music like them and don't try to be original even if it's just blatant copying.

    Beat Blocks happen before major breakthroughs, at least for me anyways

    thanks bro

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Sep 10, 2022
    1 reply

    My friend has seen how well things have gone for me
    I told him to get into making music 4/5 years ago (I've been doing it longer than that) since he didn't really seem to have anything going for him & he was one of those dudes that just took an OK job out of high school. He tried it for about a week and then quit

    Now he messaged me asking to start a duo...
    He said he can sing, that he has 'ideas' & that I can teach him how to make music

    I don't know if he thinks I'm b***oo the fool but I'm not finna invest my music making time into teaching a complete beginner how to making music from scratch when I tried to get them to do this years ago

    It would be a waste of my time & my time is already stretched beyond belief.
    When I replied to him, I told him he would need an insane amount of passion & dedication to make any barely decent.

    Despite me not really having a solid base of day 1 people to go on the journey with, the journey will be delayed or might not even happen if I have to spend time teaching him

    I think the best he could hope for is to either learn on his own entirely or to be one of those Richard Russell type guys

  • 1996 BRL

    My friend has seen how well things have gone for me
    I told him to get into making music 4/5 years ago (I've been doing it longer than that) since he didn't really seem to have anything going for him & he was one of those dudes that just took an OK job out of high school. He tried it for about a week and then quit

    Now he messaged me asking to start a duo...
    He said he can sing, that he has 'ideas' & that I can teach him how to make music

    I don't know if he thinks I'm b***oo the fool but I'm not finna invest my music making time into teaching a complete beginner how to making music from scratch when I tried to get them to do this years ago

    It would be a waste of my time & my time is already stretched beyond belief.
    When I replied to him, I told him he would need an insane amount of passion & dedication to make any barely decent.

    Despite me not really having a solid base of day 1 people to go on the journey with, the journey will be delayed or might not even happen if I have to spend time teaching him

    I think the best he could hope for is to either learn on his own entirely or to be one of those Richard Russell type guys

    just play him tbh, he might have something you're gonna wanna use in the future. give him the leftovers. respond by text, and take around 30 minutes to chop s*** up with him.

    give him lots of resources tho abs tell him he needs to figure things out for himself to strengthen his creativity.

  • PIMP 💿
    Sep 15, 2022
    1 reply

    If anyone gets a M2 Air for music production see if you can post thoughts