  • Feb 24, 2020
    Veridis Quo

    What software y'all use to download audio from youtube?

    Chrome extension called "audio recorder"

  • Feb 24, 2020

    Hey what's up fellow producers!! Give my soundcloud a listen please, I am following everybody and will follow back. Also show love on s*** that I like and give honest opinions. Love all.


  • Feb 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Moody mann

    I updated it. Bass stronger

  • Feb 25, 2020
    Carmen is Composed

    This made my day. Saving this gif rn lmaoo

  • Feb 25, 2020
    2 replies

    i often have this problem that i have a fire melody, but it doesnt fit into a beat segment so i could loop it. any tips on how to fix it? how do "stretch" a melody so it fits into the beat pattern?

  • Feb 25, 2020
  • Feb 26, 2020

    i often have this problem that i have a fire melody, but it doesnt fit into a beat segment so i could loop it. any tips on how to fix it? how do "stretch" a melody so it fits into the beat pattern?

    Play the melody along with the beat

    As in physically play it

  • Feb 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I produced and wrote this

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I produced and wrote this

    vibez. This is great

  • Feb 27, 2020
    Carmen is Composed

    vibez. This is great

    Thank you bro

  • Feb 27, 2020
  • Feb 28, 2020
    3 replies

    some vibes

  • Feb 28, 2020

    some vibes

    the goat has returned

  • Feb 28, 2020

    some vibes

    Super clean

  • Feb 28, 2020

    havent uploaded anything on my page in a min but

  • Feb 28, 2020

    hey guys

  • Feb 28, 2020
    3 replies

    only thing stopping me from uploading my s*** to youtube, soundcloud, streaming, etc is that idk how loud do I make my s***? and how do I make all my s*** consistently have the same amount of loudness? i just don’t want to upload a beat and regret how I mixed/mastered it in the future.

  • Feb 28, 2020

    only thing stopping me from uploading my s*** to youtube, soundcloud, streaming, etc is that idk how loud do I make my s***? and how do I make all my s*** consistently have the same amount of loudness? i just don’t want to upload a beat and regret how I mixed/mastered it in the future.

    Send it to a mixing / mastering engineer or just watch a YouTube tutorial

  • Feb 28, 2020

    Gurls Are Annoying and Mean .

  • Feb 29, 2020
    1 reply

    only thing stopping me from uploading my s*** to youtube, soundcloud, streaming, etc is that idk how loud do I make my s***? and how do I make all my s*** consistently have the same amount of loudness? i just don’t want to upload a beat and regret how I mixed/mastered it in the future.

    What DAW do you use?
    Use ableton and usually throw the glue compressor w a mastering preset and a limiter on the master channel

  • Feb 29, 2020
    1 reply

    only thing stopping me from uploading my s*** to youtube, soundcloud, streaming, etc is that idk how loud do I make my s***? and how do I make all my s*** consistently have the same amount of loudness? i just don’t want to upload a beat and regret how I mixed/mastered it in the future.

    Just use bandlab if you dont wanna learn. Only use the CD quality setting

  • Feb 29, 2020
    Moody mann

    Just use bandlab if you dont wanna learn. Only use the CD quality setting

    or izotope ozone

  • Feb 29, 2020
    2 replies

    is there anyway to time stretch a song / pattern in Fl studio.
    a real time stretch/lower playback speed to .75 or .5
    without f***ing with the tempo of the song.

    I don't mean Gross Beat type s***.

    an example:

    kinda like in jungle music where they do that stretched vocal into a transition. or if you change playback speed on youtube.

  • Feb 29, 2020

    is there anyway to time stretch a song / pattern in Fl studio.
    a real time stretch/lower playback speed to .75 or .5
    without f***ing with the tempo of the song.

    I don't mean Gross Beat type s***.

    an example:

    kinda like in jungle music where they do that stretched vocal into a transition. or if you change playback speed on youtube.

    not sure how to do that in fl

    but its p easy to do in ableton

    just hold shift and drag the audio clip

  • Feb 29, 2020

    is there anyway to time stretch a song / pattern in Fl studio.
    a real time stretch/lower playback speed to .75 or .5
    without f***ing with the tempo of the song.

    I don't mean Gross Beat type s***.

    an example:

    kinda like in jungle music where they do that stretched vocal into a transition. or if you change playback speed on youtube.

    I’d re-record the clip in edison (or make the sample/pattern unique) and stretch it double the amount of bars the original was to make it 0.5. if you don’t want the pitch to change set the time stretching mode to auto in the sampler window. this in fl too btw lol.