  • Updated Mar 9, 2020

    ( Shouts out @mabi and @Magician )

    Now that I got your attention, Cory Feldman is releasing his doc where he will be exposing Hollywood pedos tomorrow and Tuesday

    You can go to the website and purchase a ticket for the official livestream right now

    Two days only!

  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies

    Rumors are that Steven Spielberg has a starring role

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    "(my) Truth: The rape of 2 corey's" woat title...

  • Mar 8, 2020

    Hell yeah feldawgie

  • Mar 8, 2020
    Baby Goat

    "(my) Truth: The rape of 2 corey's" woat title...


  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies

    With all due respect this seems very gimmicky, so i hope some names do come out of this...

  • Mar 8, 2020
    Baby Goat

    With all due respect this seems very gimmicky, so i hope some names do come out of this...

    I think the fact that it’s only a two day thing pretty much confirms he dropping some real s***. Also could just be tryna make a quick buck

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    dont know who is zendaya but i wanted nudes. now im h**** in a thread about pedos wtf

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Baby Goat

    With all due respect this seems very gimmicky, so i hope some names do come out of this...

    Tbf when he wanted to expose them years ago Barbra Walters of all people basically shut him down and victim blamed him. Saying s*** like "do you really wanna ruin this industry?" Like holy s*** I never knew she was such an evil b****

  • Mar 8, 2020
    Tha Gawd You Know

    dont know who is zendaya but i wanted nudes. now im h**** in a thread about pedos wtf


  • Mar 8, 2020

    He was a large part of An Open Secret which can be found on YouTube. I’d suggest watching it

  • Mar 8, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Tbf when he wanted to expose them years ago Barbra Walters of all people basically shut him down and victim blamed him. Saying s*** like "do you really wanna ruin this industry?" Like holy s*** I never knew she was such an evil b****

    Crazy just saw the clip... didn't know about that

  • rvi 🐸
    Mar 8, 2020


  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Aye man this some hoe s*** my meat was out b

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    She’s not really that attractive to me. I do appreciate artwork tho

  • OP making me wish we had a neg system. But for real I doubt that there's anything in this documentary that will put anyone away. Corey feldman is mentally ill and everything he touches comes out hilariously bad. It will be too easy for his abusers to invalidate his experiences and tbh social media and anti me too people will do that themselves.

  • Mar 8, 2020

    Aye man this some hoe s*** my meat was out b


  • Mar 8, 2020

    In for Hollywood shambles if there some actual revelations in it

  • Mar 8, 2020

    damn this is the s***ty ass website i ever seen, but in

  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies

    Somewhat related but does anyone remember last month how this child actor’s mom alleged that her son was given alcohol at a party at Chris Pratt’s house and later molested and nothing came of it???

    The hell was that about

  • Mar 8, 2020
    3 replies

    She’s not really that attractive to me. I do appreciate artwork tho

    How can you not

    But jokes aside It's always been more of a girl next door thing.The appeal is that she's not so crazy beautiful or unapproachable that you can easily imagine talking to her. Plus alot of us zoomers saw her on Disney channel growing up.

  • Mar 8, 2020

    How can you not

    But jokes aside It's always been more of a girl next door thing.The appeal is that she's not so crazy beautiful or unapproachable that you can easily imagine talking to her. Plus alot of us zoomers saw her on Disney channel growing up.

    She’s got that onion face. There are a few girls that resemble her in my city lol. Wouldn’t b different

  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies

    How can you not

    But jokes aside It's always been more of a girl next door thing.The appeal is that she's not so crazy beautiful or unapproachable that you can easily imagine talking to her. Plus alot of us zoomers saw her on Disney channel growing up.

    Zendaya is so obviously a man that isn’t funny anymore

  • Mar 8, 2020

    Somewhat related but does anyone remember last month how this child actor’s mom alleged that her son was given alcohol at a party at Chris Pratt’s house and later molested and nothing came of it???

    The hell was that about

    Notice how these mainstream news sources never pick these stories up. They are ALL willfully complicit! Burn down Hollywood!

  • Mar 8, 2020

    Zendaya is so obviously a man that isn’t funny anymore

    No, no no, but the white girl from get out... Ma’am.

    Big hands, Adam’s Apple lol, no hips, her bf look moist as hell too lol