Somewhat related but does anyone remember last month how this child actor’s mom alleged that her son was given alcohol at a party at Chris Pratt’s house and later molested and nothing came of it???
The hell was that about
Original post by person who talked to Garcias mom is gone so all there is this
Feldman isn’t going to reveal s***. He’s just an attention w****.
He’s going to say some vague, inconclusive bullshit and then say something about how he can’t just name names because that’s not how the game works.
Rumors are that Steven Spielberg has a starring role
He raped the girl from poltergeist and saving pvt. ryan
Feldman is a scumbag anyway
He has put in so much effort trying to portray the abuse that happened to him and Corey Haim as basically the Hollywood execs using Haim as a pincushion while Feldman was doing blow and getting his d*** sucked by models lmao
It's odd because it's pretty clear this sort of devilish thing is happening there, but I also feel like Feldman doesn't have a problem with it but is just being an opportunist. Either way, I'm glad to see Hollywood get exposed.
It's odd because it's pretty clear this sort of devilish thing is happening there, but I also feel like Feldman doesn't have a problem with it but is just being an opportunist. Either way, I'm glad to see Hollywood get exposed.
Feldman been going on about this stuff for at least a decade now. And he stands way more to lose than he will gain.
He raped the girl from poltergeist and saving pvt. ryan
y’all believe anything.
Rumors are that Steven Spielberg has a starring role
that or Sheen
sutherland INNOCENT
If this was real he wouldn’t be selling tickets he’d just drop it
He got bills to pay man I’m sure it wasn’t free to make
He got bills to pay man I’m sure it wasn’t free to make
Still he’d want more people to see it
Still he’d want more people to see it
It’s gonna get recorded a thousand times over man. It’ll be on YouTube by tomorrow night
It’s gonna get recorded a thousand times over man. It’ll be on YouTube by tomorrow night
That’s what Illuminati want you to think
That’s what Illuminati want you to think
I copped my ticket regardless I’m always in for shaming pedophiles publicly
And you love being ignorant
the poltergeist rape is a baseless accusation from an old hollywood conspiracy blog that named no names and what happened on the set of saving private ryan had to do with tom sizemore unless you're referring to the whole pizza gate/Tom Hanks s*** which is some ol' bullshit.
the poltergeist rape is a baseless accusation from an old hollywood conspiracy blog that named no names and what happened on the set of saving private ryan had to do with tom sizemore unless you're referring to the whole pizza gate/Tom Hanks s*** which is some ol' bullshit.
Sage and bluepilled
shame on the thread for not posting this
! came itt to post this