Post ur resume so i can bump it instead
good one
Never been so attracted to a woman with balls in her genital region in my life
Never been so attracted to a woman with balls in her genital region in my life
Can’t say the same
Lakers are, you’re getting released buddy
We trading their ass but cook be clinging to AD like a tattoo, am not sure lakers gonna trade Cook tho
Clear out fam your taking up too much space in this party
literally and figuratively
Clear out fam your taking up too much space in this party
Your mother should have thrown you in the trash like they used to do the retarted spartan babies
Dion Waiters, NBA Champion
Nigga had the oddest tenure as a Laker I ever seen but f*** it!
Did nothing too and JR
We got too many dead weight on this team
Can’t wait for us to retool in the off-season
crazy how the clippers are an afterthought now
They’re gonna break that team up the year after this upcoming one def